What does Holden say about his parents?

Holden does not share many of his parents’ values. He doesn’t enjoy urban living, and he rejects the idea of working like his father. He understands and empathizes with their concern for him, but he feels trapped by their expectations and their control over his life.

Why does Holden not like his parents?

Holden does not want to deal with his parents because they have never helped him through his tough times which hurts Holden.

What do we learn about Holden’s relationship with his parents?

#1 What do we learn about Holden’s relationship with his parents in Chapter 1? We learn his parents provide him with a lousy childhood bc they were too occupied. He calls them touchy and don’t like when he tells them personal stories.

How does Holden feel about his family?

When all is said and done, Holden Caulfield has the emotional level of a child and doesn’t really belong in the adult world. His parents and his older brother, D.B., act as a constant reminder of a world he neither appreciates nor understands, a world he finds to be harsh, repressive, and full of phonies.

Did Holden like his parents?

Holden doesn’t have a very good relationship with either of his parents. He can’t confide in them. He has not opened up to anyone about his grief over his brother. Holden believes that his mother is in a fragile state, suffering from a nervous condition with constant headaches is how he describes her in Chapter 23.

What is the father in the Rye about?

The Catcher in the Rye, novel by J.D. Salinger published in 1951. The novel details two days in the life of 16-year-old Holden Caulfield after he has been expelled from prep school. Confused and disillusioned, Holden searches for truth and rails against the “phoniness” of the adult world.

Do Holden’s parents care about him?

His father, aside from being wealthy enough to send him to multiple schools, seems to care little towards giving Holden the attention he needs, having him psychoanalyzed rather than trying to support him.

How does Holden’s relationship with his parents affect him?

Do Holden’s parents love him?

What does Holden want from his mother?

In this, he is projecting his desire to protect his own mother from hearing the bad news about him and his desire that people would say good things about him to her.

How are Holden and his mother similar in their reaction to Allie’s death?

How are Holden and his mother similar in their reactions to Allie’s death? They both became very nervous.

Is Holden’s dad a lawyer?

Holden’s father is a lawyer and therefore he considers him “phony” because he views his father’s occupation unswervingly as a parallel of his father’s personality.

What are some typical Holden Caulfield phrases?

“He hated it when you called him a moron. All morons hate it when you call them a moron.” He’s not wrong.

  • “That’s the whole trouble. You can’t ever find a place that’s nice and peaceful,because there isn’t any.
  • “The thing with kids is,if they want to grab for the gold ring,you have to let them do it,and not say anything.
  • Is Holden Caulfield a moral person?

    Is Holden Caulfield a moral person? The answer to this is yes. In the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger we meet Holden, a young man the age of seventeen who is confused about life but in no way is immoral. Throughout the book he does many things that show that he is moral and many things that he deeply cares about.

    Is Holden Caulfield a tragic or modern hero?

    Holden Caulfield is a tragic hero in his journey to defend all children from becoming adults and saving their youth and innocence, which is simply an impossible task. Arthur Miller describes a tragic hero as one who attempts “to gain his ‘rightful’ position in his society” and in doing so struggles for his dignity.

    What is Holden Caulfield’s religion?

    main character, Holden Caulfield, who is an admitted atheist , which contradicts the mainstream values of 1950s America. With so much subject matter contrary to the conventionally accepted