What does BDAG stand for Greek?


Acronym Definition
BDAG Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament)
BDAG Business Development Assistance Group (est. 1992; Falls Church, VA)
BDAG Building Disaster Assessment Group (UK)
BDAG Becton Dickinson Accu-Glass (Becton Dickinson and Company; St. Louis, MO)

What is BDAG Bible?

BDAG provides a clear analysis of every word in the NT and the early Christian Fathers. Each word generally has a definition in bold type followed by a one word gloss for the word in bold italics. The formatting is very helpful for finding the verse you are looking for under the range of options.

What is a Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament?

The English edition is A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (the 3rd edition was published in 2001 by the University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0226039331).

How do you reference BDAG?

BDAG: The lexicon entry is formatted as follows: παρρησία, ας, ἡ. The genitive ending may be omitted, and one need not include the definite article, whose only function is to indicate the gender of the noun. 42. BDAG, s.v. “παρρησία.”

What does BAGD stand for?


Acronym Definition
BAGD Bauer Arndt Gingrich and Danker (Biblical Greek dictionary)
BAGD British Association of Generic Distributors (UK)

What is Thayer lexicon?

Thayer’s “Greek-English Lexicon” is a revised and translated edition of C.G. Wilke’s “Clavis Novi Testamenti,” which was first published in 1841. After numerous revisions by both Wilke and his successor, C.L. Wilibald Grimm, Joseph Henry Thayer took over the project.

How do you cite Louw and Nida?

APA (6th ed.) Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1988). Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: Based on semantic domains. New York, NY, USA: United Bible Societies.

How do you cite a SBL lexicon?

A citation of a single-volume lexicon will generally include the abbreviation for the work closed by a comma, the abbreviation s.v. (sub verbo: “under the word”), and the word as listed in the dictionary, enclosed in quotation marks.

Why is it called BDAG?

BDAG is short for A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition. The letters in BDAG are the initials of the four lexicographers behind the work: Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich.

How does a lexicon work?

Generally speaking, in lexicon-based approaches a piece of text message is represented as a bag of words. Following this representation of the message, sentiment values from the dictionary are assigned to all positive and negative words or phrases within the message.

Is the BDAG the standard lexicon for Greek Studies?

While BDAG is intellectually accessible by those “less than professional” in their study of the Greek New Testament, it’s price alone indicates it’s Academic Target: Professional Greek Students. It is the standard lexicon in the university setting – for the professor and the student.

What is the purpose of a bdag lexicon?

BDAG has expanded greatly the extended definitions for better exegetical accuracy. Traditionally, lexicons have shown a preference for definition of a word in the source language with a corresponding word or phrase in the receptor language. A series of words or glosses is then offered to cover a variety of possibilities for translation.

Which is the best Greek lexicon for the New Testament?

Experts agree, The Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament – Third Edition (BDAG) is the most comprehensive and highly revered lexicon for studying New Testament Greek.

Is the Brill Dictionary of Greek the same as bdag?

The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek, 1603. Everything is pretty ho-hum here at first blush. Senses one and two come with pretty much the same glosses as BDAG, although that third sense of worry, concern is new to us. But it’s the Acts 20:19 reference that grabbed my attention.