What does AC joint separation feel like?

Most people with AC joint separation will experience pain at the top of the shoulder. This pain may be exacerbated when you move your arm overhead or sleep on the injured shoulder. You may also experience weakness or instability in the affected shoulder or arm as well as limited mobility.

Can an AC separation heal on its own?

Depending on how severe the injury is, it may heal adequately in two to three weeks. In severe cases, the shoulder may not heal without surgery.

Does a separated AC joint hurt?

When those ligaments are stretched or torn they can be very painful. The injury to the ligaments in an AC separation can be mild to severe. The injuries are graded depending upon which ligaments are torn and how badly they are torn.

Where do you feel AC joint pain?

Arthritis or degeneration of the AC joint is usually felt as pain at the end of the collarbone or generalized soreness in the front and top of the shoulder. An AC joint sprain usually occurs after a fall or blow to the front/top of the shoulder and causes acute pain.

How do you sleep with AC joint separation?

Give these positions a try:

  1. Sit in a reclined position. You may find sleeping in a reclined position more comfortable than lying flat on your back.
  2. Lie flat on your back with your injured arm propped up with a pillow. Using a pillow may help reduce stress and pressure on your injured side.
  3. Lie on your uninjured side.

How do you sleep with a torn AC joint?

Lie flat on your back with your injured arm propped up with a pillow. Using a pillow may help reduce stress and pressure on your injured side. Lie on your uninjured side. If your right shoulder is injured, sleep on your left side.

What aggravates AC joint?

Most often, trauma, such as a fall directly on the outside of the shoulder, causes an AC joint injury. Overuse (repeated lifting of heavy weights or objects overhead with poor mechanics) also can result in an AC joint injury.

How painful is a Grade 2 AC separation?

Grade II Injury: There is moderate to severe pain at the joint. Swelling may be present. There is pain with arm movement. There may be a small bump on the top of the shoulder where the clavicle ends.

How do you treat an AC joint separation?

Treating a Separated AC Joint Seek medical attention for severe symptoms. Apply ice to the injury. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Rest your shoulder. Ask your doctor about physical therapy. Discuss surgical options for a severe injury.

What happens when your AC joint is separated?

When the AC joint is separated, it means that the ligaments are torn and the collarbone no longer lines up with the acromion. Ligaments are tough, sinewy tissues that act like tethers to hold the bones together. When those ligaments are stretched or torn they can be very painful.

What are symptoms of AC separation?

The symptoms of an AC separation vary, according to the severity of the condition. Symptoms can include: Pain at the top of the shoulder, especially when moving the arm overhead, or while sleeping on the injured shoulder. The appearance of a bump on top of the shoulder blade. Weakness or instability in the arm or shoulder.

What can be done about AC joint separation?

AC Joint Sprain Exercises First aid for AC joint separation injuries. Initially complete rest, immobilization and regular application of ice or cold therapy is important to reduce pain and inflammation. AC joint sprain mobility exercises. AC joint sprain strengthening. Returning to sport.