What does a chaste relationship mean?

The definition of chaste is something that does not involve sexual intercourse or someone who does not engage in sexual intercourse. An example of a chaste relationship is one in which the parties do not have sexual activity with each other.

How do you use the word chaste?

Chaste in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because I am very religious, I told my boyfriend we could do nothing more than exchange chaste kisses.
  2. The priest took an oath to avoid impure temptations in order to remain chaste.
  3. When going to church, one should dress in a chaste manner.

What does it mean to chaste someone?

If you describe a person or their behavior as chaste, you mean that they do not have sex with anyone, or they only have sex with their husband or wife. [old-fashioned]

What is the synonym of chaste?

1’the dress gave her a look of chaste girlhood’ virginal, virgin, intact, maidenly, maiden, unmarried, unwed. celibate, abstinent, self-restrained, self-denying, nunlike. innocent, pure, pure as the driven snow, guiltless, sinless, free of sin, uncorrupted, incorrupt, uncontaminated, undefiled, unsullied.

What does it mean for a woman to be chaste?

Chaste can be defined as “pure and virtuous,” but basically it means “not having sex.” And chaste is from the same Latin source as the noun caste “a Hindu social class separated from other classes.” So the word chaste means no sex, and the word caste means pure and virtuous.

What does chaste love mean?

1 not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal. 2 abstaining from unlawful or immoral sexual intercourse.

What is the synonym of virgin?

chaste, virginal, celibate, abstinent, self-restrained, self-denying. unmarried, unwed, maiden, maidenly. pure, pure as the driven snow, virtuous, uncorrupted, incorrupt, undefiled, unblemished, unsullied, innocent, sinless, moral, decent, demure.

What is a sentence for chaste?

1) People in some religious orders remain chaste. 2) In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage. 3) Tess was a chaste young girl. 4) He wrote in a chaste style.

How do you become a chaste?

When you do date singly, plan your dates and avoid sexual temptation. Avoid situations like the back seat of a car or being alone together at home, in a dark room, or on a bed. Avoid sexual stimuli such as most “R”-rated movies. Make a list of 10 ways you can have fun together that won’t create temptation.

Which is the best definition of the word chaste?

chaste 1 Pure from all unlawful commerce of sexes. Applied to persons before marriage, it signifies pure from all sexual… 2 Free from obscenity. While they behold your chaste conversation. 1 Peter 3. 3 In language, pure; genuine; uncorrupt; free from barbarous words and phrases, and from quaint, affected, extravagant… More

What do you need to know about chaste conversation?

Chaste conversation; free from all manner of impurities, and any thing contrary to the marriage covenant. Coupled with fear; such a fear or reverence of your husbands, whereby out of the fear of God, and conscience of his command, you give them all due respect, and do not willingly displease them.

Which is the best example of a chaste relationship?

The definition of chaste is something that does not involve sexual intercourse or someone who does not engage in sexual intercourse. An example of a chaste relationship is one in which the parties do not have sexual activity with each other. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Chaste.”.

What’s the difference between dungeons and losers and chaste?

Unlike the chaste boys club devotees of ‘Dungeons and Losers’ (oops, ‘Dragons’) of yore, women play the new games and like them. This stood in contrast to the chaste 19th century, when marriage, rather than romance, was the main topic of interest.