What does 011 mean in code?


Call placed from Number dialed IDD Prefix
Any country following the ITU-recommendation e.g. All European Union members, China, India 00 64 3 477 4000 00
Canada, United States or any other NANP country direct-dial using the default long distance carrier 011 64 3 477 4000 011

Where is the 011 area code?

Country Dialing Code List

Canada 1 011
Cape Verde 238 00
Cayman Islands 1 011

What does 011 mean in front of a phone number?

011 = the international dialing country code to Canada. 011 +area code +phone number. 1 = the international dialing country code to the U.S. 1 +area code + phone #.

How do I contact MX?

How to Call Mexico from the U.S.

  1. First dial 011 – the U.S. exit code.
  2. Next dial 52 – the Mexico country code.
  3. Then the area code – 2/3 digits.
  4. Finally, the phone number – 7/8 digits.

What does 1 in front of a phone number mean?

+1 is what you add before the 10 digit number in order to call an American number if you’re calling from outside of the country. so if someone calls you from a US number, and you save that number to your phone, by default it will have +1 before it.

What’s this phone’s number?

Check Your Phone Settings On Android the most common path to finding your number is: Settings > About phone/device > Status/phone identity > Network.

What is the US exit code?

Dialing Outside North America (Exit Code: 011 + Country Code) To dial outside of the North America Numbering Plan, you have to dial an exit code first (011) and then the country code, and then the number.

What does UCF have to do with NASA?

UCF’s relationship with NASA is really providing a reservoir of scientific talent that enables the goals of our space program. That kind of talent is not found in most universities in the country.” UCF’s reputation opens the doors to unique instruments such as the Hubble and Spitizer space telescopes.

Where is area code 011 on a cell phone?

Calling from North America (USA, Canada, etc.), the number would be dialed beginning with 011-40-343-etc. (011 is the international dialing prefix for outbound calls from North America). The other possibility is that 011 is a domestic area code or part of one.

Is the University of Central Florida A Space Institute?

The Florida Space Institute, based at UCF, is made up of researchers and educators from UCF in partnership with those at other State University System of Florida institutions. Many of these researchers are tied to major space missions exploring Pluto, Saturn, the Kuiper Belt, Mars, the moon, comets, asteroids, Jupiter and exoplanets.

What kind of space telescopes are at UCF?

UCF’s reputation opens the doors to unique instruments such as the Hubble and Spitizer space telescopes. Hubble and Spitizer give us unprecedented views into the galaxy and some of our faculty already have guaranteed time on the James Webb space telescope when it launches later this year.