What do you do at an English speaking club?

Club debates or discussions are the most popular type of English club activity. They let people use English in a more natural way than in a classroom. It helps to have a new discussion topic for each meeting. This helps keep conversations from being too repetitive.

How do you make an English conversation class interesting?

How to teach conversational English online

  1. Prepare lists of questions.
  2. Answer your own questions.
  3. Talk slowly, but don’t treat them like they’re a kid.
  4. Have topics that are common, but ask for the student’s opinion.
  5. Let silence hang, but know when to prompt.
  6. Use the chat box or a white board to spell things out.
  7. Take notes.

How do you start a conversation club?

6 Tips to Launch a Successful English Speaking Club

  1. Invite people whose skill levels are similar.
  2. Have a portable reference library.
  3. Build a giant list of topics, then choose three at the start of the meeting.
  4. Assign a moderator each meeting to keep you on task and topic.
  5. Have English or American-themed snacks.

How can I promote my English speaking campaign?

Six Tips To Encourage Students To Speak Out In English

  1. Give Clear Goals and Instructions.
  2. Reinforce Any Attempt of Speaking.
  3. Use the Element of Surprise.
  4. Do “Information Gap” Activities.
  5. Use the Types of Speaking Activities in the Right Sequence.
  6. Use Competition.
  7. Thanks For Reading.

What are the speaking activities?

18 Ideas for ESL Speaking Activities for Adults

  • Short Talks. Create a stack of topic cards for your students, so that each student will have their own card.
  • Show and Tell.
  • Video Dictionary.
  • PechaKucha.
  • Bingo.
  • Two Texts.
  • Running Dictation.
  • Surveys and Interviews.

How do I make club meetings fun?

10 Tips for Engaging and Exciting Your Club Members

  1. Keep Meetings Interesting.
  2. Choose Projects Your Members Care About.
  3. Congratulate Successes.
  4. Have Fun with Fellowship.
  5. Help Members Create Their “Why”
  6. Give Members Ownership.
  7. Appoint or Elect a Member Engagement Chair.
  8. Customize Club Communications.

How do I organize my English club?

One way to organize the club is by putting one member in charge of being the leader each week. You can organize the weeks in terms of themes (music/food/travel…), or skills (reading/writing/listening…). At your meeting you can discuss what types of rules and routines the club should have.