What did Clement Attlee do in India?

In foreign policy, Attlee delegated to Ernest Bevin, but oversaw the partition of India (1947), the independence of Burma and Ceylon, and the dissolution of the British mandates of Palestine and Transjordan.

Why did Mountbatten Partition India?

Plan for partition: 1946–1947 Mountbatten hoped to revive the Cabinet Mission scheme for a federal arrangement for India. But despite his initial keenness for preserving the centre, the tense communal situation caused him to conclude that partition had become necessary for a quicker transfer of power.

Who designed the Indian Independence Act 1947?

The Indian Independence Act, 1947 was an act of the British Parliament that partitioned India into two independent dominions of India and Pakistan. The legislation was drafted by the Labour government of Clement Attlee.

Who was the prime minister of Britain when India attained independence on 15th August 1947?

Lord Mountbatten continued as Governor-General and Jawaharlal Nehru was appointed India’s first Prime Minister, Muhammad Ali Jinnah became Pakistan’s Governor-General and Liaquat Ali Khan its Prime Minster. The 15th August 1947 has since become celebrated as India’ and Pakistan’s Independence Day.

What did Clement Attlee introduce?

The Attlee government greatly expanded the welfare state, with the National Health Service Act 1946, which nationalised the hospitals and provided for free universal healthcare. The National Insurance Act 1946 provided sickness and unemployment benefits for adults, plus retirement pensions.

What was the real reason behind British leaving India?

The country was deeply divided along religious lines. In 1946-47, as independence grew closer, tensions turned into terrible violence between Muslims and Hindus. In 1947 the British withdrew from the area and it was partitioned into two independent countries – India (mostly Hindu) and Pakistan (mostly Muslim).

When did Hindus Quit India movement?

According to John F. Riddick, from 9 August 1942 to 21 September 1942, the Quit India Movement: attacked 550 post offices, 250 railway stations, damaged many rail lines, destroyed 70 police stations, and burned or damaged 85 other government buildings. There were about 2,500 instances of telegraph wires being cut.

Who drew the border between India and Pakistan?

Sir Cyril Radcliffe
Process and key people In order to determine exactly which territories to assign to each country, in June 1947, Britain appointed Sir Cyril Radcliffe to chair two boundary commissions—one for Bengal and one for Punjab.

Who was the first Viceroy of India?

Lord Canning
The Viceroy was appointed directly by the British government. The first Viceroy of India was Lord Canning.

Who was the British king when India got freedom?

George VI
The title was dropped on 22 June 1948, when, under the Indian Independence Act 1947, George VI became king of the new dominions of India and Pakistan….

Emperor of India
First monarch Victoria
Last monarch George VI
Formation 1 May 1876
Abolition 22 June 1948

Who is the first woman minister of independent India?

After India’s independence, Amrit Kaur became part of Jawaharlal Nehru’s first Cabinet; she was the first woman to hold Cabinet rank, serving for ten years. She was assigned the Ministry of Health. In 1950, she was elected the president of World Health Assembly.

What was the cause of partition of India in 1947?

The British Parliament on July 18, 1947 passed the Indian Independence Act 1947. The Act led to the partition of British India into the two new independent dominions of India and Pakistan and discarded the suzerainty of the British over the princely states.

What did C are Attlee tell Mountbatten to do?

C.R. Attlee’s instructions to Mountbatten were crisp and clear: “Keep India united if you can. If not, save something from the wreck. In any case, get Britain out”.

What did Attlee do to keep India United?

It must be admitted that Attlee emerges with little credit for the shabby treatment of Wavell, a poet, thinker and a man of impeccable character. Attlee’s instructions to Mountbatten were crisp and clear: “Keep India united if you can. If not, save something from the wreck. In any case, get Britain out”.

How did the partition of Bengal affect India?

By dividing Bengal in this manner, the British not only thrived in restraining the Bengali influence in India’s freedom struggle but also reduced the Bengalis into a minority in the Hindu western areas of Bengal with around 37 million Oriya and Hindi speaking people compared to 17 million Bengalis.