What causes warts on legs?

What causes warts? Warts are caused by an infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). The virus causes an excess amount of keratin, a hard protein, to develop in the top skin layer (epidermis). The extra keratin produces the rough, hard texture of a wart.

Is it common to get a wart on your leg?

They’re commonly found on the face, back of the hands, or legs, and tend to appear in large numbers. Flat warts are also called juvenile warts because they’re most commonly found in children and young adults. The warts are caused by a virus that’s contagious, but benign, and are usually are not painful.

Are leg warts contagious?

Warts can spread from one part of your body to another, similarly to person-to-person spread. If you pick at, touch, or scratch a wart on one part of your body, then do the same to another body part, the warts can spread to the second body part.

What do warts look like on legs?

They look like small flesh-colored, pink, or red growths. The warts may look similar to the small parts of a cauliflower or they may be very tiny and difficult to see. They often appear in clusters of three or four, and may grow and spread rapidly.

How long do warts last untreated?

Most warts will persist for one to two years if they are left untreated. Eventually, the body will recognize the virus and fight it off, causing the wart to disappear. While they remain, however, warts can spread very easily when people pick at them or when they are on the hands, feet or face.

Can I cut off a wart with scissors?

After giving you a local anesthetic, the doctor can remove your warts using different methods. These include: Cutting them off with scissors. Shaving them off with a sharp blade (this is called shave excision)

How do you get rid of warts on your legs?

Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it over the wart. Repeat the application daily until the wart falls off. Applying castor oil regularly two to three times on warts present on inner thigh can dissolve it. The inside of banana peel has enzymes which are known to dissolve the warts.

What is the best over the counter wart treatment?

The most commonly used and most effective treatment for warts is salicylic acid. There are numerous formulations of salicylic acid available over the counter, many of which are made specifically for treating warts. The two main options are salicylic acid pads and salicylic acid solutions.

Why do I have warts on my legs?

Warts on your legs are the visible symptom of a viral infection. The culprit is the human papillomavirus (HPV). Nearly everyone has at least one type of HPV at least once in their life. About a dozen HPV types are responsible for warts, and each of those types causes a different kind of wart.

Are there systemic treatment for warts?

Systemic agents that have been used to treat warts include cimetidine, retinoids, and intravenous cidofovir. Cimetidine is a type-2 histamine receptor antagonist commonly used to treat peptic ulcer disease.