What causes punctate Keratoderma?

In most families, punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type 1 is caused by a mutation in the AAGAB gene . The gene is thought to play an important role in skin integrity. When the gene is not working properly, the skin clumps together, forming the bumps on the skin that are characteristic of the condition.

What is punctate Keratoderma?

Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma (punctate PPK), or keratosis punctata, is a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by small hyperkeratotic growths on the palms and soles. Many cases are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, although sporadic cases have also been reported. There is no sex predilection.

How do you get rid of palmoplantar keratoderma?


  1. Saltwater soaks.
  2. Emollients.
  3. Paring (cutting away layers of skin)
  4. Topical keratolytics (useful for people with limited keratoderma)
  5. Topical retinoids (this is often limited by skin irritation)
  6. Systemic retinoids (acitretin)
  7. Topical vitamin D ointment (calcipotriol)

What does Keratoderma mean?

‘Keratoderma’ is a term that means marked thickening of the epidermis of the skin. ‘Palmoplantar’ refers to the skin on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands; these are the areas keratoderma affects most often.

Is Keratoderma curable?

Inherited palmoplantar keratodermas are not curable but symptoms can be controlled. The aim of treatment is to reduce the thickness of the skin and to soften the skin.

Is Palmoplantar Keratoderma a disability?

Hypohidrosis-enamel hypoplasia-palmoplantar keratoderma-intellectual disability syndrome is a rare, genetic, syndromic intellectual disability disorder characterized by severe intellectual disability with significant speech and language impairment, hypohydrosis (often resulting in hyperthermia) with normal sweat gland …

What does Keratoderma look like?

What does palmoplantar keratoderma look like? In diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma, the skin on the palms and or soles appears thickened and may be hard, yellowish in colour. It affects the entire palm or sole. In focal palmoplantar keratoderma, usually only pressure or friction points are affected.

What is Palmoplantar?

Palmoplantar (palmo meaning palm of the hand, plantar meaning sole of the foot) pustulosis is a persistent (chronic) condition which causes blisters filled with fluid on the palms and the soles of the feet. It can sometimes occur with the skin condition psoriasis.

Is Keratoderma itchy?

Besides involvement of the palms and soles, manifesting by hyperkeratotic layers, painful fissures and itching, the patients with climacteric keratoderma develop metabolic endocrine, neurovegetative, and psychoemotional disorders.

Can Palmoplantar psoriasis go away?

Like many skin conditions, palmoplantar pustulosis cannot be cured.

What kind of skin condition is punctate palmoplantar keratoderma?

Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type I is a rare condition that affects the skin. It is a sub-type of punctate palmoplantar keratoderma.

What does keratoderma stand for in medical terms?

‘ Keratoderma ’ is a term that means marked thickening of the skin. ‘Palmoplantar’ refers to the skin on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands; these are the areas keratoderma affects most often. Palmoplantar keratoderma is also sometimes known as ‘keratosis palmaris et plantaris’. Classification…

How is acitretin used to treat palmoplantar keratoderma?

Despite low capacity, low-dose acitretin showed excellent regression of the lesions by combined use of topical ointments. The supplementary topical therapy may be useful in reducing the dose of systemic retinoids and preventing potential toxicity.

What kind of surgery is needed for punctate palmoplantar?

Surgery, including excision of affected areas of the skin and replacement with unaffected skin, has been used on lesions resistant to other forms of treatment. However, healing after surgery can be difficult. Treatment with a CO 2 laser may be possible for limited affected areas on the palms.