What can Renamon Digivolve into?

Renamon is a Plant Data Type, Rookie level Digimon and uses 5 memory. It digivolves from Tanemon and can digivolve to Woodmon, Garurumon, Kyubimon, and BlackGatomon. Its special attack is Diamond Storm and its support skill is Adroit Wisdom which increases Intelligence by 15%.

Is Ranamon in Digimon cyber sleuth?

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit] Ranamon is available as a Digimon Medal.

How do you get Rosemon in Digimon World Dawn?

Rosemon digivolves from Lilamon. In order to digivolve to Rosemon, your Digimon must be at least level 50, with 17,000 Insect/Plant experience and 225 attack. Rosemon can also DNA digivolve from Lillymon and Matadormon, if the base Digimon is at least level 44, with 14,000 Insect/Plant experience, and 240 attack.

How is a Digimon related to a Renamon?

In-game description A beast humanoid Digimon shaped like a golden fox. Renamon’s relationship to humans is clearly shown, and if raised properly, its in-training form can Digivolve into a Renamon of high intelligence. Calm and collected at all times, it trains so as not to lose that cool in any situation.

What happens when Renamon Digivolved to gargomon?

Later Guilmon challenged Renamon to a rematch, but when Terriermon accidentally got in her line of fire, he digivolved to Gargomon and went on a rampage, ending the battle as he nearly attacked Rika before Guilmon stopped him. Rika became increasingly impatient for Renamon to digivolve.

Why did Renamon Digivolve into kyubimon to protect Rika?

Against the next Wild One, Dokugumon, Renamon was no match, and took Dokugumon’s Venom Blast to protect Rika, which nearly killed her. For the first time Rika felt sadness at the possibility of losing her, causing Renamon to digivolve into Kyubimon, who destroyed Dokugumon.

What kind of Evolution do you need for Renamon?

Renamon’s other evolutions and their requirements are: Angemon: Sakuyamon skill level 30, 150+ Wind tolerance. Devimon: Sakuyamon skill level 10. Dinohumon: Gryzmon skill level 20. Greymon: Gryzmon skill level 30, 280+ Defense.