What area code is Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka/Dialing codes

What is a city code for phones?

Area Code Listing, by Number

Area Code Region Description
212 NY New York City, New York (Manhattan; see ovelays 332, 646, 917; split 718)
213 CA S California: Los Angeles (see 310, 323, 626, 818)
214 TX Texas: Dallas Metro (overlays 469/972)
215 PA SE Pennsylvania: Philadelphia (see overlays 267)

What is the code 033?

The 0330 area code, introduced in the UK in 2007, is classed as a non-geographic dialling code. This simply means that it is not associated with a particular region of the UK, in contrast to standard area codes like 0121 (Birmingham) or 0161 (Manchester), for example.

Where is the code 034 from?

034: Vryheid, Newcastle and Northern KZN.

What area code is 019?

0191 is the UK telephone dialling code used by Newcastle, Durham, Sunderland and other nearby areas in the north east of England.

What is Mumbai area code?

The Mumbai area code is 022.

Is a 03 number free?

Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number. They must also count towards any inclusive allowances in the same way as calls to 01 and 02 numbers. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, landline or payphone.

Who called from 0333?

0333 numbers are most often used by large organisations, such as businesses, government departments and third sector organisations such as charities. They are not numbers that are used by individuals.

What does +34 mean in phone number?

34 is the country calling code for Spain.

How are area codes related to dialling codes?

Dialling codes do not correspond to specific political boundaries. For example, the Coventry dialling code covers a large area of Warwickshire and the Manchester dialling code covers part or all of several neighbouring towns. ELNS (Extended Linked Numbering Scheme) areas are where an area code is associated with more than one place name.

What is the phone code for the United States?

To help you, we’ve made a list of all these codes, which you can find below this article. The USA country code is +1. You will add it to the beginning of any phone number you are dialing that’s in the US.

Where can I find the country code for my cell phone?

CountryCode.org is your complete guide to call anywhere in the world. The calling chart above will help you find the dialing codes you need to make long distance phone calls to friends, family, and business partners around the globe. Simply find and click the country you wish to call.

Is there a four digit area code in the UK?

There are some places with the standard (01xxx) four-digit area code but which have both six-digit and five-digit local numbers, as described at Telephone numbers in the United Kingdom.