What are the Y DNA haplogroups?

  • In human genetics, a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by mutations in the non-recombining portions of DNA from the male-specific Y chromosome (called Y-DNA).
  • The human Y-chromosome accumulates roughly two mutations per generation.

How many Y chromosome haplogroups are there?

The geographic origins of the 14 different haplogroups were ascertained from the phylogenetic tree of mankind maintained by the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG, 2016), and published sources. They are summarized in Table 4. Table 4. Ancient geographic origins of 14 Y-chromosome haplogroups.

Why are Y chromosomal haplotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes useful for tracing ancestry?

As useful as Y-chromosome haplotypes are, they track male ancestors only. For example, Y-chromosome ancestry would give the same result if a whole population of peoples moved from one place to another or if just a small group of mostly males migrated to a new area and conquered and subjugated the population there.

What genes do Bulgarians have?

All V68-positive Bulgarians belong to its M78 subclade, which is the prevailing haplogroup in most of northeast Africa and around the Balkans. The presently mostly European V13 (E1b1b1a1b1a) originated in western Asia according to the most plausible scenario and is presented at ~18% among Bulgarian males.

What is the Y chromosome test?

Y-DNA tests Y-chromosome testing uncovers a male’s Y-chromosome haplogroup, the ancient group of people from whom one’s patrilineage descends. Because only one’s male-line direct ancestors are traced by Y-DNA testing, no females (nor their male ancestors) from whom a male descends are encapsulated in the results.

How accurate is Y-DNA testing?

Y-DNA testing results are normally stated as probabilities: For example, with the same surname a perfect 37/37 marker test match gives a 95% likelihood of the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) being within 8 generations, while a 111 of 111 marker match gives the same 95% likelihood of the MRCA being within only 5 …

Can brothers have different paternal haplogroups?

For relatives not on your direct maternal or paternal line, you are not likely to share a haplogroup. Any set of males who share a common male-line ancestor (that is, brothers, paternal half-brothers, male paternal cousins) have the same paternal haplogroup. …

Why are mitochondrial DNA and the Y-chromosome good for detecting distant ancestry?

Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the mother alone, rather than being inherited from the father and the mother. For both of these reasons, the sequence of mitochondrial DNA stays the same over generations, and thus is a useful tool for looking at maternal ancestry.

How does 23andme determine haplogroup?

Your maternal haplogroup is assigned by identifying a set of variants in your mitochondrial DNA. If you are male, your paternal haplogroup is assigned by identifying a set of variants in your Y-chromosome DNA as well.

What race is Bulgaria?

Main ethnic groups of the population in Bulgaria are: Bulgarians, Turks and Romi (Gypsies). Ethnic Bulgarians in Republic of Bulgaria make up 84.8% of the population and the remaining part is represented by the minority groups: Turks 8.8% and Gypsies 4.9%.

Where are the BT haplogroups located in Africa?

It is sparsely distributed in Africa, being concentrated among Khoisan populations in the southwest and Nilotic populations toward the northeast in the Nile Valley. BT is a subclade of haplogroup A, more precisely of the A1b clade (A2-T in Cruciani et al. 2011), as follows:

Which is the most recent haplogroup in Europe?

Haplogroup G (M201) originated some 48,000 years ago and its most recent common ancestor likely lived 26,000 years ago in the Middle East. It spread to Europe with the Neolithic Revolution . It is found in many ethnic groups in Eurasia; most common in the Caucasus, Iran, Anatolia and the Levant.

Where are the most Y chromosome haplogroups found?

Found in almost all European countries, but most common in Gagauzia, southeastern Romania, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Tyrol, and Bohemia with highest concentrations on some Mediterranean islands; uncommon in Northern Europe.

How many mutations does a haplogroup have?

Many people within a haplogroup share similar numbers of short tandem repeats (STRs) and types of mutations called single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The human Y-chromosome accumulates roughly two mutations per generation.