What are the side effects of Evorel Conti patches?

Evorel Conti patches side effects

  • Itchy, irritated or inflamed skin where the patch is applied (hypersensitivity)
  • Dizziness.
  • Breast tenderness and pain.
  • Mood swings (feeling depressed, anxious or nervous)
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Nausea (feeling sick)
  • Headache.

Are Evorel Conti patches still available?

The ongoing challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in many women experiencing difficulties in obtaining their HRT supplies….British Menopause Society further update on HRT supply shortages (15 September 2021)

Product Availability
Evorel® 50 (estradiol) Available – Fully in stock

How good is Evorel Conti patches?

Users described Evorel Conti patches dramatically improving troublesome symptoms such as hot flushes. Customers are satisfied with the high quality of Evorel Conti patches, calling them “excellent”, “the best product [they] have had” and “absolutely perfect”. Evorel Conti patches are easy to use.

Do you have a period with Evorel Conti patches?

Most women do not have a regular monthly period with Evorel Conti. However, bleeding or spotting does often occur in the first few months until treatment settles down. Evorel Conti is not a contraceptive.

Can I put HRT patch on ARM?

BuTrans patches should be applied to the upper outer arm, upper chest, upper back, or the side of the chest. Transtec patches should be applied to the upper back or below the collar bone on the chest. It is very important to dispose of used patches carefully, out of the reach of children and pets.

Does Evorel cause weight gain?

Weight gain is listed as one of the more common Evorel Sequi side effects (affecting between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people who use the HRT patches).

What is the alternative to Evorel Conti patches?

The only alternative patches to Evorel Conti patches are FemSeven Conti patches. FemSeven Conti has been out of stock throughout 2020 with stock expected in second-quarter 4 of 2020. FemSeven Conti patches contain a combination of estradiol and levonorgestrel (a different progestogen component).

What’s the difference between Evorel Conti and Evorel 50?

The patches release the hormones through the skin into the bloodstream at a constant rate and are designed to be changed twice a week, the oestrogen-only Evorel 50 patches are used in the first two weeks and the oestrogen plus progestogen Evorel conti patches are used in the second two weeks of each monthly cycle.

Where is the best place to put a Evorel Conti patch?

One Evorel conti patch should be applied twice each week to a clean, dry, unbroken, non-irritated area of skin below the waist, preferably on the buttock or hip. The patch should be worn continuously for three or four days and then replaced.

What is the difference between Evorel Conti and Evorel 50?

Should I be bleeding on HRT?

Menopause hormone therapy can result in light bleeding or bleeding that’s as heavy as a normal period. If your bleeding concerns you, see your doctor.

Where is the best place to put your estrogen patch?

You should apply estradiol patches to clean, dry, cool skin in the lower stomach area, below your waistline. Some brands of patches may also be applied to the upper buttocks or the hips.

What are the ingredients in the Evorel Conti patch?

Evorel conti patches (estradiol, norethisterone) Evorel conti patches are a hormone replacement therapy (HRT) preparation. Each patch contains two active ingredients, estradiol (previously spelt oestradiol in the UK) and norethisterone.

What kind of patch is an Evorel patch?

Evorel is a square shaped, transparent, self-adhesive transdermal delivery system (patch) of 0.2 mm thickness for application to the skin surface. It consists of a monolayered adhesive matrix throughout which 17β estradiol is uniformly distributed.

When do you start bleeding from Evorel Conti patches?

Important information about Evorel conti patches. This medicine will not usually cause a monthly menstrual bleed. However, you may experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding during the first few months of treatment. Spotting or breakthrough bleeding is more likely if you forget to change a patch on schedule.

When to use Evorel Conti for contraception?

Evorel Conti is not a contraceptive. If it is less than 12 months since your last menstrual period or you are under 50 years old, you may still need to use additional contraception to prevent pregnancy. Speak to your doctor for advice. How to Use Evorel® Conti