What are the protests about in Syria?

Protesters demanded the release of political prisoners, the abolition of Syria’s 48-year emergency law, more freedoms, and an end to pervasive government corruption.

Is Syria Safe 2021?

Syria is not safe for personal travel. Attempting any form of travel in this very hazardous security environment would place you at grave risk. Criminals, terrorists and armed groups target foreigners for terrorist attacks, assassination and kidnapping for ransom or political gain. Syria is an active conflict zone.

Is Damascus safe to live?

OVERALL RISK : MEDIUM. Though Damascus is considered dangerous for everyone, it is currently probably the safest are in Syria. Life goes on as before there, and the biggest risk comes from the dangers of war, not crime.

When did protests in Syria begin?

Protests began in Syria as early as 26 January 2011, and erupted on 15 March 2011 with a ” Day of Rage ” protest generally considered to mark the start of a nationwide uprising. The Syrian government’s reaction to the protests became violent on 16 March, and deadly on 18 March,…

Why did the war in Syria start?

Syrian war is an ongoing conflict in Syria which started in 2011 when Syrian people started protesting against the repressive regime of Assad. This was triggered by the arrest and torture of some students who painted anti government slogan.

What were the causes of the Syrian Civil War?

The cause of the Syrian civil war rose from the demonstrations against government. As in every armed conflict the trigger was the use of brutal force against unarmed protestants . The cause of this war follows also from the bad living conditions in the country of Syria, but that would be another story.

What is Syrian politics?

Syria is considered a unitary republic with a semi-presidential style of government. However, the controlling parties practice a highly authoritarian regime with most of the political power in the hands of the al-Assad family.