What are the main ocean currents that travel around Australia?

There are four major currents in Australian waters: the East Australian Current (EAC), the Leeuwin, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Indonesian Throughflow.

  • East Australian Current:
  • Leeuwin and Zeehan Current:
  • Antarctic Circumpolar Current:
  • The Indonesian Throughflow:
  • Links and further Information:

What is the ocean current in Australia?

East Australia Current
The East Australia Current is the largest ocean current close to Australia, moving as much as 30 million cubic meters of water per second in a broad ribbon that covers as much as 100 kilometers in width and 500 meters in depth.

Which part of Australia are influenced by warm ocean current?

The Leeuwin Current is a warm ocean current which flows southwards near the western coast of Australia. It rounds Cape Leeuwin to enter the waters south of Australia where its influence extends as far as Tasmania.

What are the ocean currents like near Perth Australia?

As the current approaches Western Australia, it turns north, parallel to the western coast of Australia, and becomes the West Australian Current. The current is mainly seasonal, being weaker in winter and stronger in summer, and is affected by the winds in that area.

What ocean is off the east coast of Australia?

Pacific Ocean
Tasman Sea, section of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, between the southeastern coast of Australia and Tasmania on the west and New Zealand on the east; it merges with the Coral Sea to the north and encloses a body of water about 1,400 miles (2,250 km) wide and 900,000 square miles (2,300,000 square km) in area.

Where is the Labrador Current located?

The Labrador Current is a cold current in the North Atlantic Ocean which flows from the Arctic Ocean south along the coast of Labrador and passes around Newfoundland, continuing south along the east coast of Canada near Nova Scotia.

How far offshore is the East Australian Current?

The core of the EAC is about 100 nm offshore at Sydney’s latitude but comes much closer to the coast at 35 S where a big lobe, or retroflection, carrying 23 to 25 °C water, curves from the southwest to the south and then into the east-northeast.

How far offshore is the East Australian current?

Why does the west coast of Australia have warm water?

Come spring a number of tropical marine creatures hitch a ride on Australia’s two major south-flowing currents. This in turn provides a mass of warm water to the Leeuwin current off Western Australia as it sweeps south along the west coast and east along the south coast. …

Are Dory and Marlin together?

Aside from her parents, Dory has the closest emotional bond with Marlin. When Dory is caught in the net, Marlin shows a huge amount of concern, and even more when Nemo joins her to try and get her out. But after they are both free they seem to have maintained a good relationship, living on the reef.

Do sea turtles travel on the East Australian Current?

According to that lovable loggerhead Crush—the surfer-dude sea turtle from the movie Finding Nemo—the East Australia Current (EAC) is a sea turtle highway, where turtles hitch a free ride from one place to another, and this observation isn’t too far from the truth.