What are the main beliefs of the reform Party?

The Reform Party platform includes the following:

  • Maintaining a balanced budget, ensured by passing a Balanced Budget Amendment and changing budgeting practices, and paying down the federal debt.
  • Campaign finance reform, including strict limits on campaign contributions and the outlawing of political action committees.

What exactly is healthcare reform?

The comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010 (sometimes known as ACA, PPACA, or “Obamacare”). The law has 3 primary goals: Make affordable health insurance available to more people. Support innovative medical care delivery methods designed to lower the costs of health care generally.

What does the American Independent party believe in?

American Independent We believe in strict adherence to written law. We believe the Constitution is the contract America has with itself. Its willful distortion has led to the violation of our Tenth Amendment guaranteed right to limited government—which inevitably requires oppressive taxation.

When was the Reform Party established?

September 1995
Reform Party of the United States of America/Founded

How does the tort system increase the cost of healthcare?

The current tort system raises the cost of care by encouraging unnecessary testing and procedures which increase the cost of medical care by forcing medical teams to devote significant time and resources to preventing or defending against unwarranted legal actions.

How is the healthcare industry monopolized by the government?

Government agencies greatly slow development of and access to new medicines, devices, and technologies that may improve quality of care and reduce cost of care. Currently, the healthcare industry is virtually monopolized by the government and a handful of insurance companies. They hold the checkbook and wield it for their own benefit.

How does the government increase the cost of healthcare?

Each year, the government sets prices that they will pay providers including doctors and hospitals. Each year, these payments increase at less than the cost of inflation, while the cost of providing medical care increases by a far greater amount. This has unpleasant consequences for everyone.

Why are libertarians in favor of free market healthcare?

Virtually every person wants access to quality healthcare at an affordable price. Libertarians think the best way to achieve this is by removing government interference and enabling free markets. Government inappropriately controls our healthcare in many ways: Government and a handful of insurance companies have a virtual monopoly as payers.