What are the light and dark reactions in photosynthesis?

The light reaction is the initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce ATP and NADPH, whereas dark reaction is the second step of photosynthesis which utilizes the energy from ATP and NADPH to produce glucose.

What are the end products of light and dark reaction?

Complete Step by Step Answer:

Light Reaction Dark Reaction
ATP and NADPH are the end products of this reaction. The end products of light reaction, i.e. ATP and NADPH are used here to form glucose as the end product.
This reaction causes the water molecule to split into hydrogen and oxygen. There is no splitting of water.

What do light and dark reactions have in common?

Light reactions need light to produce organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). They are initiated by colored pigments, mainly green colored chlorophylls. Dark reactions make use of these organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). This reaction cycle is also called Calvin Benison Cycle, and it occurs in the stroma.

What is dark reaction in biology?

: any of a series of chemical reactions in photosynthesis not requiring the presence of light and involving the reduction of carbon dioxide to form carbohydrate especially : calvin cycle.

Why is it called dark reaction?

Therefore the dark reaction in photosynthesis is called so because it don ot directly depend on light energy. Dark reaction of photosynthesis has distinct chemical reactions which help in the transformation of carbon dioxide and other compounds to form glucose.

Is photosystem 2 the dark reactions?

These reactions are sometimes referred to as photosynthesis 1 (light) and photosynthesis 2 (dark), not to be confused with photosystems I and II, see below. Photosynthesis is an autotrophic process fundamental to all life on earth, converting solar energy into chemical energy and sugars or carbohydrates.

Is stoma and stroma the same?

What is the difference between Stroma and Stoma? A stoma is a microscopic pore surrounded by two specialized guard cells found in the leaves and stems. Its main function is gaseous exchange. The site of the light independent reactions of photosynthesis is the stroma.

What is difference between light and dark reaction?

The main difference between light and dark reaction is that light reaction is the first stage of photosynthesis, which traps light energy in order to produce ATP and NADPH whereas dark reaction is the second stage of photosynthesis, which produces glucose by using the energy form ATP and NADPH produced from the light …

What is the relation between light reaction and dark reaction?

Complete answer:

Light reaction Dark reaction
It involves the absorption of light energy and its conversion into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH and hydrogen ions. It utilizes ATP and NADPH 2 for the fixation of carbon dioxide to form carbohydrates, mainly glucose.

Does oxidative phosphorylation require light?

Oxidative phosphorylation involves the reduction of O2 to H2O with electrons donated by NADH and FADH2, and occurs equally well in light or darkness. Photophosphorylation involves the oxidation of H2O to O2, with NADP+ as electron acceptor, and it is absolutely dependent on light.

What are the differences between light and dark reactions?

Dark reaction is catalyzed by various enzymes. The main difference between light and dark reaction is that light reaction is the first stage of photosynthesis, which traps light energy in order to produce ATP and NADPH whereas dark reaction is the second stage of photosynthesis,…

Why do dark reactions depend on light reactions?

While the dark reactions don’t need light, they do need the continuous supply of NADPH and ATP from the light-dependent reactions. As a result, dark reactions only take place when light is present and the light-dependent reactions are active. Both together are the source of the biochemical energy that other plants and animals use to survive.

What are the products of light and dark reactions?

Light reactions need light to produce organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). They are initiated by colored pigments, mainly green colored chlorophylls. Dark reactions make use of these organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). This reaction cycle is also called Calvin Benison Cycle, and it occurs in the stroma.

What happens during the light and dark reaction?

During the light reactions of photosynthesis, light energy from the sun is captured and used to make ATP and NADPH. During the dark reactions, ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide combine to make glucose and other compounds . Food energy is stored in chemical bonds during photosynthesis.2

H+ Photosystem II Electron transport chain Photosystem I ATP synthase Thylakoid space (high H+ concentration) Summary of the “Light” Reactions 3. Light-independent (“Dark”) Reactions The “Dark” Reactions A series of reactions called the Calvin cycle that synthesize glucose from CO 2and H 2O: CO 2+ H

How are ATP and NADPH produced in the light reactions?

In the light reactions, energy from sunlight drives the synthesis of ATP and NADPH, coupled to the formation of O2 from H2O. In the dark reactions, so named because they do not require sunlight, the ATP and NADPH produced by the light reactions drive glucose synthesis.

How is h + flow used in photosynthesis?

PS I PS II 3ATP Synthase uses H+flow to make ATP 42 e-to PS II NADPH PS I Light Energy absorbed by Pigments Fuels 4 General Steps of the “Light Reactions”: 1) H 2O split to O, 2 H+& 2 high energy e-(*e-)in PS II H 2O O 2+ H++ *e- sunlight 2) Energy released by a series of *e-transfers is used to generate H+gradient

Where do light reactions occur in the thylakoid?

Light Reactions occur in Thylakoids A variety of light-absorbing pigments & electron transport proteins are embedded within the thylakoid membrane The Pigments absorb “Visible” Light Chlorophyll a & b: