What are the DOD Fpcon levels?

The five FPCON levels are:

  • FPCON NORMAL. Applies when a general global threat of possible terrorist activity exists and warrants a routine security posture.

What are the DOD terrorism threat levels?

The Department of Defense uses a standardized set of terms to describe the Terrorism Threat Level in each country. These terms are Low, Moderate, Significant, and High.

What is antiterrorism force protection?

Antiterrorism provides the defensive element of the Army combating terrorism program. Effective antiterrorism measures integrate a multitude of security programs which ensure protection of our people, information, infrastructure, installations, facilities, and forces.

What is FP Con Charlie?

FPCON CHARLIE: Applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. Prolonged implementation of CHARLIE measures may create hardship and affect the activities of the unit and its personnel.

What is the most increased force protection level for base?

– FPCON Delta, the highest and most protective level, limits installation access to mission-essential personnel and other personnel as determined by the commander.

What is force protection Charlie?

Force Protection Level I Antiterrorism Training defines FPCON Charlie as: FPCON Charlie applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating that some form of terrorist action against personnel and installations is imminent.

Who sets Fpcons?

The FPCON level is set by each major command using threat intelligence. In the United States, U.S. Northern Command sets the FPCON level. Installation commanders may raise the FPCON level for their installations in response to local threats and activity but can’t lower it below NORTHCOM’s direction.

Is the FPCON system mandated by the Department of Defense?

The FPCON system is mandated by Department . of Defense Instruction 2000.16: DoD Antiterror-ism (AT) Standards. DoDEA Regulation 4700.1: Antiterrorism Program provides guidance and establishes standards for implementing FPCONs in DoDEA. Local commanders determine which FPCON is appropriate. The graphic above describes each condition and

Where can I find the current FPCON instruction?

The current FPCON is found in DoD Instruction 2000.16, Department of Defense Antiterrorism Standards. Some Department of Defense operations have other instructions that also affect how FPCON is implemented, but in general, local command authorities are responsible for establishing FPCON levels based on the local threat conditions in the area.

What are the five levels of the FPCON system?

To help the commanders, the FPCON system is divided into five levels defined as: · FPCON NORMAL: Applies at all times as a general threat of terrorist attacks, hostile acts, or other security threats always exists in the world.

When does FPCON Charlie need to be used?

· FPCON CHARLIE. Applies when a terrorist or hostile act incident occurs within the commander’s area of interest or intelligence is received indicating a hostile act, some form of terrorist action or targeting DoD elements, personnel, or facilities. · FPCON DELTA:.