What are the different types of life tables?

Two basic types of life tables are presented in this study, period-based tables and cohort-based tables. Each type of table can be constructed either based on actual population data or on expected future experience.

What is the difference between a cohort life table and a static life table?

Period or static life tables show the current probability of death (for people of different ages, in the current year) Cohort life tables show the probability of death of people from a given cohort (especially birth year) over the course of their lifetime.

What is a population life table?

Life tables follow the fate of a group of individuals all born within the same population in the same year. Of this group, or cohort, only a certain number of individuals will reach each age, and there is an age above which no individuals ever survive.

What are life tables used for in population studies?

Life tables are used to measure mortality, survivorship, and the life expectancy of a population at varying ages. There are several types of life tables.

What is a composite life table?

Composite life table — uses data collected over an indefinite period (several years) involves a number of cohorts and samples a cross section of population. It combines following individuals through time with the (logistically easier) method of making inferences from the current age structure.

What is meant by life table?

A life table is a table which shows, for a person at each age, what the probability is that they die before their next birthday. From this starting point, a number of statistics can be derived and thus also included in the table is: the probability of surviving any particular year of age.

What is a complete life table?

The Complete Life Tables provide estimates of life expectancy at exact ages up to the age of 80 years old, using as reference the date of July 1 of the previous year. The periodicity of the Complete Life Tables is annual.

What is the main concepts of life table?

Life tables are a basic demographic tool for analysing mortality and survival. They are a tabular numerical representation of death and survivorship rates at each age of life. The life tables are based on death rates during a specific period, and such tables are called period, current, or cross-sectional life tables.

What does a life table data provide?

A life table records matters of life and death for a population—literally! It summarizes the likelihood that organisms in a population will live, die, and/or reproduce at different stages of their lives.

What is r0 life table?


x life stage or age class
mx individual fecundity, or mean reproductive output, for each stage or class
lxmx number of offspring produced per original individual during each stage or class; product of survival and reproduction
R0 basic reproductive rate

What is actuarial table?

Definition. Statistical tables that display the life expectancies of people based on certain characteristics such as age, gender, family history, and health. Actuarial tables are usually admissible in court as evidence of life expectancy.

How are survival rates calculated in a life table?

Life tables are used to calculate survival rates. For population projections, 5-year survival rates are computed. For estimates of net migration, 10-year survival rates are calculated. Calculations of survival rates rely on two columns in the life table, L x and T x.

The different elements required for a life table include (using standard notations): This sort of life table is based on current age-specific death rates for each age or age band used and are called period life tables and are the most frequently used type.

How are life tables used in public health?

More complex analyses for assessing cancer survival, that involves comparisons between two populations or a population in two points in time can also be undertaken. In addition to public health domains, life tables are also used by insurance companies and actuary departments.

Where can I find the US life tables?

Method of Constructing the Abridged Life Tables for the United States, 1949. Vital Statistics – Special Reports. Selected Studies Volume 33, Number 15, 1953. U.S. State Life Tables, 2018. NVSR Volume 70, Number 1. 18pp. (PHS) 2021-1120. United States Life Tables, 2018. NVSR Volume 69, Number 12. 45pp. (PHS) 2020-1120.