What are the demographic indicators of India China and Pakistan?

The salient demographic indicators of China, Pakistan and India are (i) estimated population, (ii) annual growth of population, (iii) density, (iv) sex ratio, (v) fertility rate, (vi) urbanisation.

How do India China and Pakistan perform on the indicators of human development?

The rankings are accorded to the countries as per their HDI. China ranked 81, India 128th and Pakistan 136th. High ranking of China is due to the higher GDP per capita. Moreover, the one-child norm led to sustained rise in the GDP, consequently, China was ranked higher than India and Pakistan in HDI.

What is the population difference between India and China?

In 2019, India had an estimated population of 1.37 billion and China 1.43 billion, according to the UN figures.

What are the salient demographic features of India’s population?

7 Striking Features of Indian Demography

  • Population Too Large for Area:
  • Overwhelming Proportion of Rural Population:
  • Fast Rate of Population Growth:
  • Declining Proportion of Women:
  • High Percentage of Non-workers:
  • Lop-sided Age Structure:
  • Ethnic Diversity:

What are the three similarities in the development strategies of India China & Pakistan?

A few such similarities in their development strategies are as follows: All three countries, India, Pakistan and China began towards their economic development at the same time. In addition, India and Pakistan attained independence in the year 1947. However, China was an independent economy in the year 1949.

What makes China stand out in comparison to India and Pakistan?

High ranking of China is due to the higher GDP per capita. Moreover, the one-child norm led to sustained rise in the GDP, consequently, China was ranked higher than India and Pakistan in HDI.

How is China’s experience different from that of India and Pakistan in its industrial development?

(xi) In China, manufacturing contributes the highest to GDP at 47% whereas in India and Pakistan, it is the service sector which contributes the highest. In both these countries, service sector accounts for more than 50% of GDP.

Why is India and China overpopulated?

The population grew – all over the world. The rise of industry and large-scale agriculture meant that families could be much larger than in the past. The social impact of the urban-rural divide led to more complex societies, cities, and more people.

What are the demographic features?

Demographic characteristics are easy to identify. These include qualities such as age, sex, family status, education level, income, occupation, and race.

What are the main features of demography?

Demographics can include any statistical factors that influence population growth or decline, but several parameters are particularly important: population size, density, age structure, fecundity (birth rates), mortality (death rates), and sex ratio (Dodge 2006).

What are the similarities between India Pakistan and China?

Indian and its neighbours – Pakistan and China, have very similar development strategies as an economy as a whole. A few such similarities in their development strategies are as follows: All three countries, India, Pakistan and China began towards their economic development at the same time.

What was the population of Pakistan in 2017?

The country’s capital is Islamabad, and the country had a population of 207,774,550 as per the 2017 census ranking it sixth in population globally. Pakistan has a varied landscape made up of forests, deserts, plateaus, and hills. Pakistan borders four countries: India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China.

What’s the population of India according to Wikipedia?

Demographics of India. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Aspect of human geography in India. This article is about the people from India. For other uses, see Indian. Demographics of India. Population. 1,384,660,352 (November, 2020 est.)

How many countries are on the border of Pakistan?

Pakistan borders four countries: India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China. The total land border has a length of approximately 4,344.1 miles. The India-Pakistan border separates India from Pakistan.

How big of a country is Pakistan in square miles?

Pakistan is located in South Asia and covers an area of 340,509 square miles. The country’s capital is Islamabad, and the country had a population of 207,774,550 as per the 2017 census ranking it sixth in population globally. Pakistan has a varied landscape made up of forests, deserts, plateaus, and hills.
