What are the characteristics of Indian consumer?

Indian consumers are marked by great diversity; diversity in religion, language, culture, tradition, dress, food-habit, custom etc. The people of India belong to different religious groups—Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Parsee.

What do Indian consumers want?

Health and stability. Healthy living is a top goal for Indian consumers. Over four in five Indians think living a healthier lifestyle is important, and a third want to achieve financial stability and be protected against health threats.

What is the behavior of India?

Based on a historical survey of the origins and development of the Hindu religion and its absorption of Buddhism the author outlines that tolerance, gentle behaviour, profound optimism and a lack of obsession with time are the main features of Indian mentality and behaviour.

What are consumer Behaviour studies in India?

Consumer behaviour studies consumer choices and decision making processes. In analysing various psychological, cultural, economic and other factors, it is oriented towards research analysis at a professional scale.

What are the features of consumer Behaviour?

Important Characteristics of Consumer Behaviour are given below:

  • Consumer Behaviour involves Products, Services, Activities, and Ideas:
  • Consumer Behaviour involves more than Buying:
  • Consumer Behaviour is a Dynamic Process:
  • Consumer Behaviour involves Interactions among Many People:

What is the nature of consumer Behaviour?

Meaning and Definition: Consumer behaviour is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select, buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions.

What are the characteristics of consumer Behaviour?

What are types of loyal customers?

Four types of loyal customers you need to know

  • Active Loyals (43% of the adult population) Stay loyal to brands for both routine and special purchases.
  • Habitual Loyals (23%) Stay loyal for routine buys but shop around for special purchases.
  • Situational Loyals (9%)
  • Active Disloyals (27%)