What are the 9 clues for the hidden treasure?

There are many possibilities for the 9 Clues, let’s take a look at some of the more likely candidates:

  • From Start to Finish (Begin to Cease/End)
  • Each Clue is a Sentence:
  • Stanza 1. Warm waters, canyon, walk.
  • Home of Brown. Meek, nigh, no paddle creek, loads.
  • The blaze, tarry scant, marvel gaze.
  • Answers, tired, weak.
  • What was the poem for the Forrest Fenn treasure?

    I can keep my secret where, And hint of riches new and old. And take it in the canyon down, Not far, but too far to walk.

    What did Forrest Fenn’s poem mean?

    After being diagnosed with cancer in 1988, Forrest Fenn, a retired Air Force Pilot and gallery owner, was inspired to hide a treasure chest in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. It is to this treasure chest that’s filled, supposedly, with jewels and gold, that this poem leads.

    What does tarry scant mean?

    Tarry Scant: delay little. hang around just a tiny bit. small tarry pit. river rapids.

    Where warm waters halt and take it in the canyon down?

    Forrest Fenn in his study. Begin it where warm waters halt / And take it in the canyon down, / Not far, but too far to walk. / Put in below the home of Brown. From there it’s no place for the meek, / The end is ever drawing nigh; / There’ll be no paddle up your creek, / Just heavy loads and water high.

    Where does warm water halt in the Rockies?

    A vague direction of where to look for the treasure (and where not to look) was given as a starting point, along with the line in the poem “Begin it where warm waters halt.” Fenn revealed the treasure was somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, between Santa Fe and the Canadian border at an elevation of above 5,000 feet.

    Are people dying to find Fenn’s treasure?

    Over the years, several people died while looking for the Fenn treasure, including one man who fell to his death in Yellowstone National Park.

    Which state is Forrest Fenn’s treasure in?

    Fenn, a retired art dealer living in New Mexico, died in September. The treasure, found by medical student Jack Stuef in an undisclosed spot in Wyoming, is allegedly worth more than $2 million.

    Is Forrest Fenn still alive?

    Forrest Fenn is a millionaire Vietnam veteran and a dealer of artifacts. In 1988, he was diagnosed with kidney cancer and told his days were numbered. However, Fenn didn’t go gently into that good night. He’s still alive and well today, but the cancer scare inspired him to do something rather outlandish.