What are the 7 states of matter and describe each?

Natural states

  • Solid: A solid holds a definite shape and volume without a container. The particles are held very close to each other.
  • Liquid: A mostly non-compressible fluid.
  • Gas: A compressible fluid.
  • Plasma: Free charged particles, usually in equal numbers, such as ions and electrons.

What are the 5 states of matter?

The five phases of matter. There are four natural states of matter: Solids, liquids, gases and plasma. The fifth state is the man-made Bose-Einstein condensates. In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they don’t move much.

What is Bose Einstein condensate state of matter?

Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), a state of matter in which separate atoms or subatomic particles, cooled to near absolute zero (0 K, − 273.15 °C, or − 459.67 °F; K = kelvin), coalesce into a single quantum mechanical entity—that is, one that can be described by a wave function—on a near-macroscopic scale.

What is solid and liquid gas?

Glossary. solid: Has a definite shape and volume. liquid: Has a definite volume, but take the shape of the container. gas: Has no definite shape or volume. change of state: When matter is converted from one of the three states (example: solid, liquid, or gas) to another state.

What is a solid liquid and gas definition?

Solid is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume and shape; liquid is the state in which matter adapts to the shape of its container but varies only slightly in volume; and gas is the state in which matter expands to occupy the volume and shape of its container.

Who discovered plasma?

William Crookes
Plasma was first discovered by William Crookes in 1879 and called “plasma” by Irving Langmuir in 1929. Since its discovery, plasmas have aroused great interest, both in basic research and in applied science and technology in diverse fields.

What is plasma matter?

Plasma is superheated matter – so hot that the electrons are ripped away from the atoms forming an ionized gas. It comprises over 99% of the visible universe. Plasma is often called “the fourth state of matter,” along with solid, liquid and gas.

What kind of matter is a Bose Einstein condensate?

A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter in which extremely cold atoms clump together and act as if they were a single atom.

How did Satyendra Nath Bose discover the condensate?

Theory & discovery. Bose-Einstein condensates were first predicted theoretically by Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974), an Indian physicist who also discovered the subatomic particle named for him, the boson. Bose was working on statistical problems in quantum mechanics, and sent his ideas to Albert Einstein.

How are BECs and fermionic condensates related?

Fermionic condensates are related to BECs. Both are made of atoms that coalesce at low temperatures to form a single object. In a BEC, the atoms are bosons. In a fermionic condensate the atoms are fermions.

When does a solid become a gas without going through a liquid phase?

When a solid is converted directly into a gas without going through a liquid phase, the process is known as sublimation.