What are spring plates?

The spring plate articulation is the factory travel range. It is the angular distance between the lower stopper and the upper stopper. You can see how close a factory spring plate rides to the stoppers when a vehicle’s height is changed.

How do you jack up the back of a VW Beetle?

Lift the rear of your car by putting a wood block on the lifting pad of the jack and sliding the jack under the rear of the car so that it is directly beneath the center of the bottom of the motor mount carrier–this is the metal bracket that spans the frame where the engine and transmission meet.

How big are the drop plates on a VW?

“Drop Plates” do not take in a effect what the user just stated about the transmission internal pivot point runs out of travel. It only does the outer point and hammers the transmission components. And this is only with 1.2” drop plates, we haven’t even discussed the 3” or 4” drop plates.

What causes spring plate to untwist on VW?

The spring plate is ‘twisted’ as the suspension moves through an arc (swing axle models) so you’ll see it ‘untwist’ as you undo these bolts. This keeps the bolts under some tension – they don’t just come loose and spin off.

What’s the best way to lower a VW?

If you try to lever the spring plate outwards it will fly downwards with a big thump (breaking any arm or leg in it’s way) so it’s better to ease it down. Place the trolley jack (or a bottle jack will do) under the axle end of the spring plate and jack up the spring plate just enough so it is just free of the stop-lip.

What makes spring plates move up and down on IRS?

On the newer IRS models these plates simply move up and down but on the older swing axle models the swinging motion makes the spring plate twist as they work up and down. Axle assembly – This is where the spring plates bolt to the axle and they also hold the brake assembly in place.
