What are examples of non-inclusive language?

But here are 10 types of non-inclusive language that help you avoid MOST of the pitfalls.

  • Gender. It’s still a man’s world (unfortunately).
  • Race. Color — “The colors black and white have long carried opposite connotations.
  • Immigrants.
  • LGBTQ.
  • Age.
  • Physical Disability.
  • Mental Health.
  • Elitism.

What is non-inclusive behavior?

Non-inclusive behaviour: use of words, humour, gestures, other acts or omissions that cause offence. People: colleagues, employees, superiors, subcontractors, customers/clients, suppliers.

What are some examples of inclusive language?

Some examples of inclusive language are:

  • Introducing yourself with your pronouns e.g. I am x, the pronouns I use are she/her, him/he or they.
  • Avoiding terms like “guys” for everyone and using gender neutral terms staff members, folks, volunteers, visitors or members.

What is non inclusive language?

The definition of non-inclusive language is: Any language that treats people unfairly, insults, or excludes a person or group of persons[1].

What’s a word for not inclusive?

What is the opposite of inclusive?

exclusive excluding
omitting leaving aside
not counting not including
to the exclusion with the exception
with the omission

What is the purpose of inclusive language in a speech?

A: Inclusive language is a way of writing and speaking that aims to ensure all groups of people in the community are treated equally and with respect. Inclusive language aims to redress imbalances and discrimination inherent in existing language, ranging from exclusion to derogatory comments.

What is non-inclusive language?

How do you respond to a non-inclusive language?

How to respond when someone uses non-inclusive (or bigoted)…

  1. DON’T eat their faces off (FYI: I was using this expression way before people were literally doing this)
  2. DO kindly point out their error.
  3. DON’T make them feel like bad people.
  4. DO provide a correction for the future.
  5. DON’T reflect their behavior back.

Why is inclusive language important?

Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equitable opportunities. It is more important to apply inclusive language principles rather than learning specific appropriate phrases, as these may change in meaning over time.

What is a non inclusive list?

1Not including all possible elements; not exhaustive. ‘a noninclusive list’

What does it mean to use inclusive language?

Inclusive language is language that is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular people or groups. It is also language that does not deliberately or inadvertently exclude people from feeling accepted.

Why is inclusive language important at University of Queensland?

When inclusive language is used it can make people feel included, valued and empowered. The University of Queensland values people-centric inclusive language which values and respects the diversity of people, and sees people as people – not as a stereotype, attribute or characteristic.

What are some words that fall under the inclusive language umbrella?

Person-centered language and person-first language are other terms that fall under the inclusive language umbrella. They are commonly used in health care settings and in the world of education.

How can I become an inclusive language speaker?

The best way to gain proficiency as an inclusive language speaker is to invest in education and training. The more that you learn about people who are not like you, the greater understanding you’ll have about how language can marginalize others. Be open to constructive comments from others and practice active listening skills.