What are different types of tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis: Types

  • Active TB Disease. Active TB is an illness in which the TB bacteria are rapidly multiplying and invading different organs of the body.
  • Miliary TB. Miliary TB is a rare form of active disease that occurs when TB bacteria find their way into the bloodstream.
  • Latent TB Infection.

How many types of TB disease are there?

There are two types of TB conditions: TB disease and latent TB infection. But, if their TB germs become active, they can develop .

What type of infection is tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infection that usually attacks your lungs. It can also spread to other parts of your body, like your brain and spine. A type of bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes it.

What is the difference between TB infection and disease?

There is a difference between TB infection and TB disease. When a person has been exposed to someone with TB disease and has breathed in the TB germs, that person may become infected with TB. In most cases, people with healthy immune systems can contain the infection at that point and not become ill with TB disease.

What is the most common type of TB?

The most common form of active TB, is Pulmonary TB, which is TB in the lungs.

What is the difference between tuberculosis and pulmonary tuberculosis?

The bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis (TB), a contagious, airborne infection that destroys body tissue. Pulmonary TB occurs when M. tuberculosis primarily attacks the lungs. However, it can spread from there to other organs.

Is tuberculosis treatable today?

Tuberculosis is curable and preventable. TB is spread from person to person through the air. When people with lung TB cough, sneeze or spit, they propel the TB germs into the air. A person needs to inhale only a few of these germs to become infected.

What is TB death rate?

Americans still die of tuberculosis (TB), a preventable disease (1). On the basis of death certificate data, the TB mortality rate in the United States was 0.2/100,000 population, or 555 deaths, in 2013 and has not changed since 2003 (2).

Who is at high risk for TB?

Persons who have been Recently Infected with TB Bacteria Persons who have immigrated from areas of the world with high rates of TB. Children less than 5 years of age who have a positive TB test. Groups with high rates of TB transmission, such as homeless persons, injection drug users, and persons with HIV infection.

Is TB an infection disease?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes.

What are some diseases similar to tuberculosis?

Leprosy, sarcoid. Disease caused by acid fast bacilli include human and bovine tuberculosis, mycobacterium-avium complex in patient with immune deficiency, like aids. There are also strains that cause skin ulcers. Leprosy is also caused by acid fast bacteria. Not an infection, but sarcoidosis has features similar to tb.

What are the early signs of tuberculosis?

Symptoms of Tuberculosis. Generally, people only show symptoms of tuberculosis when they have the active form of the disease. Early signs and symptoms may include fever, chills, and loss of appetite. The more specific symptoms of the condition include cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer, pain in the chest, and coughing up blood.

What antibiotics are used to treat tuberculosis?

(verify) Isoniazid, also known as isonicotinylhydrazide (INH), is an antibiotic used for the treatment of tuberculosis. For active tuberculosis it is often used together with rifampicin , pyrazinamide , and either streptomycin or ethambutol.

What are the signs of TB infection?

The usual symptoms that occur with an active TB infection are: a generalized tiredness or weakness, weight loss, fever, and night sweats.