What are 3 types of asphalt?

There are three main types of asphalt: Hot Asphalt, MC Cold Mix, and UPM. There are also different varieties of these asphalts for summer and winter use. Below is a brief overview of each type of asphalt.

What is B mix asphalt?

The conventional HMA for the project was the standard City of Calgary Mix Type B. This mix represents the standard mix used in Calgary for the majority of surfacing applications. It is a Marshall 50 blow designed HMA, using 150/200 A penetration grade asphalt cement, with a typical design asphalt content of ± 6.0%.

What is viscosity in asphalt?

Asphalt binder viscosity measures a fluid’s resistance to flow and is typically measured to replicate the HMA pavement surface temperature during summer in the USA (60°C or 140°F). Liquid resistance in flowing is viscosity by definition.

What is Type 7 blacktop?

Type 7 asphalt contains fine stone and dust which has a very smooth finish. Type 6 asphalt contains slightly larger stone, so it provides more strength but is not quite as smooth as Type 7. Once Sealcoated it is difficult to distinguish the difference in the textures.

What is Type A HMA?

Type A hot mix requires that at least 90% of the coarse aggregate and 70% of Fine aggregate used contains crushed particles while Type B hot mix only requires 25% and 20% respectively. Many other indicators of Aggregate and HMA quality are distinguished this way.

What are the different grades of asphalt?

There are three different grades available in asphalt. The grades available are I-2, also known as base; I-5, known as top ;and the I-4 or commercial top grades. The difference in the tree grades are that the I-2 or base consists of ¾ inches of stone. The base grade is generally used in corn stabilizing level.

Why is viscosity important in asphalt?

The viscosity of asphalt-cement represents an important resistance to the compaction of a paving mixture by rolling equipment during construction, and by traffic in service.

How thick should a good asphalt driveway be?

Residential driveways typically use 2 to 3 inches of asphalt with 3 being suitable for occasional large trucks or heavy equipment. Underneath the asphalt you should have 6 to 8 inches of granular base aggregate. Underneath this you have soil.

Which is better AR 8000 or Ar 4000?

AR 8000 grade binder is stiffer and therefore holds up better under hot temperatures. AR 4000 is more flexible under cold temperatures. Due to the extremely moderate climate of the region, the low temperature range of either binder is easily sufficient.

Why did Graniterock move to AR 8000 grade?

And for a number of reasons, Graniterock has moved to the AR 8000 grade of Asphalt binders this year. The higher stiffness gives more favorable asphalt properties for the applications needed.

What are the names of the asphalt binders?

If you see a grading such as AR-4000, this is the old system of asphalt gradings. The standard asphalt binders used in dense grade asphalts in California today are known by the following names: PG 64-10, PG 64-16 & PG 70-10.

What should the temperature be for asphalt to maintain its quality?

The numbers are a range at which the asphalt will maintain its’ quality when laid down in pavement. For example, PG 64-10 should be used in regions that the ambient temperature will be between 64 C and -10 C.