Is Tri Nitro Toluene?
❖ TNT is a yellow, odorless solid that does not occur naturally in the environment. It is made by combining toluene with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids (ATSDR 1995). ❖ It is a highly explosive, single-ring nitroaromatic compound that is a crystalline solid at room temperature (CRREL 2006).
What is the chemical formula for explosives?
Explosives Based on Nitrogen | Formula | Sum N + O |
Ammonium nitrate (AN) | H4N2O3 | 94.98 |
Ammonium picrate (Expl D) | C6H6N4O7 | 68.26 |
Cyclonite (RDX) | C3H6N6O6 | 81.06 |
Ethylenediamine dinitrate | C2H10N4O6 | 81.68 |
What is trinitrotoluene used for?
❖ TNT is one of the most widely used military explosives, partly because of its insensitivity to shock and friction. It has been used extensively in the manufacture of explosives since the beginning of the 20th century and is used in military shells, bombs and grenades (U.S. Army 1984; ATSDR 1995; Cal/EPA 2010).
What is Tri Nitro?
Nitroglycerin (NG), also known as nitroglycerine, trinitroglycerin (TNG), nitro, glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), or 1,2,3-trinitroxypropane, is a dense, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by nitrating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid under conditions appropriate to the formation of the nitric …
What is trinitrotoluene formula?
What is the full form of PETN?
PETN, abbreviation of pentaerythritol tetranitrate, a highly explosive organic compound belonging to the same chemical family as nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose.
How do you make nitroglycerin?
It was first prepared in 1846 by the Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero by adding glycerol to a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids. The hazards involved in preparing large quantities of nitroglycerin have been greatly reduced by widespread adoption of continuous nitration processes.
Where is trinitrotoluene found?
In the United States, TNT is primarily made at military sites. Where can TNT be found and how is it used? TNT is an explosive used by the military in artillery shells, grenades and airborne bombs. TNT may be found in old artillery shells that wash up or are dredged up on beaches.
Is trinitrotoluene a health hazard?
Health effects reported in people exposed to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene include anemia, abnormal liver function, skin irritation, and cataracts. This substance has been found in at least 20 of the 1,430 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Where can you find trinitrotoluene?