Is there a train from Shenzhen to Hong Kong?

There are around 90 high speed trains departing from Shenzhen North Station or Futian Station to Hong Kong West Kowloon Station. The bullet trains finish the running distance of about 40 kilometers (25 miles) in around 20 minutes.

Is there a high speed train from Shenzhen to Shanghai?

6 high speed trains travel from Shenzhen North Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station with the travel time of around 12 hours; it costs CNY 909 on a first class seat and CNY 568 on a second class seat; the distance between is 1,623 kilometers (1,008 miles).

How long is the route of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong Express Rail Link?

The Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (sometimes abbreviated “XRL HK section”) is a 26-km long stretch of high-speed rail that links Hong Kong to mainland China….Hong Kong Express Rail Link.

Began operation 23 September 2018
Operator(s) MTR Corporation
System length 26 km (16.16 mi)

Where is the terminus of the Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High Speed Rail Hong Kong Section located?

Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link section of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen starts at Guangzhou South railway station and ends at Shenzhen Futian station, it is 116 km (72 mi) line length, with a design speed of 350 km/h (220 mph).

How do I get from Hong Kong to Shenzhen by train?

  1. You can take the Hong Kong metro (MTR) from any part of the city to the border with Shenzhen, and this method can be used by visitors who already have a valid Chinese visa or who need a VOA.
  2. A high-speed train connects the futuristic West Kowloon Station in Hong Kong with Shenzhen in as little as 15 minutes.

How much is the train from Hong Kong to Shenzhen?

Around 65 pairs of high speed trains are running between Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station and Shenzhen Futian/ Shenzhen North Railway Station each day….Hong Kong – Shenzhen High Speed Train Ticket Fare.

Business Class Seat First Class Seat Second Class Seat
CNY 226 USD 34.5 CNY 120 USD 18.5 CNY 75 USD 11.5

How do I get from Shenzhen to Hong Kong?

How to Travel from Shenzhen to Hong Kong

  1. Best Way: Shenzhen to Hong Kong High Speed Train: 20M, CNY 68 – 75.
  2. Cheapest Way: Subway or City Bus: 1.5 – 2H.
  3. Shenzhen to Hong Kong Bus: 1 – 2 hours, CNY 45 – 150.
  4. Shenzhen to Hong Kong Ferry: 30 – 60M, CNY 120 – 295.
  5. Taxi: 1 – 1.5 hours, CNY 150.

Is it easy to get from Hong Kong to Shenzhen?

Hong Kong and Shenzhen are two bustling metropolises, each with millions of residents and separated by a small river and international border. Travel between the two cities is both simple and complicated, since direct high-speed trains can make the journey in as little as 15 minutes—if you have the correct visa.