Is Masai Mara expensive?

The entrance fees for Masai Mara National Reserve differ for residents and non-residents, with residents of Kenya enjoying discounted admission. Non-resident adults pay $80 USD per person, children 3 to 18 years old pay $45 USD, and infants and children under 3 enter free of charge.

How do I book the safari in Masai Mara?

You can adopt the itineraries as they are and have an educational and memorable Kenya Safari in Maasai Mara. Alternatively, contact us via WhatsApp at +254769404022 or call us via +254719-222-430 and we will happily orchestrate a budget, mid-luxury, or luxury Masai Mara tour packages for you.

How much does it cost to visit Masai Mara from India?

Masai Mara Packages From Bangalore

Masai Mara Packages From Bangalore Day/Night Price
Best of Kenya Safari Package From Bangalore 7 Days/6 Nights ₹4,13,871
Big Five Kenya Safari Package From Bangalore 8 Days/7 Nights ₹2,78,250
Adventure Kenya Safari Package From Bangalore 6 Days/5 Nights ₹2,24,226

How far is safari from Nairobi?

approximately 270km
Other animals include; the Maasai lions, elephants, buffaloes, hyenas, crocodiles, African leopards, cheetahs, giraffes and many others. The park is approximately 270km from Nairobi which is Kenya’s capital and this is about 4 to 5 hours on road and 40 to 45 minutes by air.

How much does the Masai Mara cost?

category non-residents inside park* outside park kenyan citizen
Adult US$ 70 Ksh 1,000
Child*** US$ 40 Ksh 300
Student**** US$ 40 Ksh 300

Is Kenya poor or rich?

Kenya is a lower-middle income economy. Although Kenya’s economy is the largest and most developed in eastern and central Africa, 36.1% (2015/2016) of its population lives below the international poverty line. This severe poverty is mainly caused by economic inequality, government corruption and health problems.

What to pack for Masai Mara or Kenya Safari?

Some essentials that you’ll need to pack for this trip include: Soft-sided bags for trips between reserves. Loose-fitting, and breathable clothing for your Masai Mara tour. Specific clothing to pack: 2-3 long sleeve shirts, 2-4 t-shirts, 2-3 pairs of shorts, 2 pairs of cotton trousers, a light jacket, a wide-brim hat (preferably with a tie for

How many days do you need in Masai Mara?

How Many Days Do You Need in Masai Mara? To enjoy the full scope of the Maasai Mara, you need to spend a minimum of 4 days and 3 nights. That will allow you four game drives for the duration of the day and adequate time to rest. The first day is all about resting after a long drive from Nairobi.

How safe is Masai Mara?

Masai Mara is a very safe destination to visit. The park is well protected by professionally-trained Park Rangers and wildlife Wardens and is located hours away from the urban areas of Kenya where safety is more of a concern. Below are some of the reasons why Masai Mara is one of the safest park to visit for a safari in Kenya.

What animals can I See in Masai Mara?

African elephant. The African elephant is a genus comprising two living elephant species,the African bush elephant and the smaller African forest elephant.

  • Lion. African Lions have tawny,or yellowish-brown,fur and can grow to between 9 and 10 feet long (3 meters) from head to tail,they are the only cats
  • Leopard.
  • African buffalo
  • Rhinoceros.