Is lowering the voting age unconstitutional?

Unratified Amendments: The Twenty-sixth Amendment (Amendment XXVI) to the United States Constitution prohibits the states and the federal government from using age as a reason for denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States who are at least eighteen years old.

When was the voting age reduced from 21 to 18 in the UK?

United Kingdom. The Representation of the People Act 1969 lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, with effect from 1970 and remained in force until the Scottish Independence Referendum Act 2013 which allowed 16-year-olds to vote for the first time, but only in Scotland and only in that particular referendum.

When was voting age reduced from 21 to 18?

Sixty-first Amendment of the Constitution of India

The Constitution (Sixty-first Amendment) Act, 1989
Bill published on 13 December 1988
Introduced by B. Shankaranand
Lowered the voting age from 21 years to 18 years

What event caused the government to the lower the voting age to 18?

In the turmoil surrounding the unpopular Vietnam War, lowering the national voting age became a controversial topic. Responding to arguments that those old enough to be drafted for military service, should be able to exercise the right to vote, Congress lowered the voting age as part of the Voting Rights Act of 1970.

What does the Constitution say about voting age?

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

What amendments can 18 year olds vote?

The proposed 26th Amendment passed the House and Senate in the spring of 1971 and was ratified by the states on July 1, 1971.

Can 14 year olds vote in Wales?

You can register to vote if you are: Resident (usually live) in Wales and aged 14 or over (but you will not be able to vote in local council elections (before May 2022) or Senedd elections until you are 16.

Can UK criminals vote?

Section 3 of the 1983 Act states that, A convicted person during the time that he is detained in a penal institution in pursuance of his sentence or unlawfully at large when he would otherwise be so detained is legally incapable of voting at any parliamentary or local government election.

When did the voting age become 21?

The Twenty-sixth Amendment (Amendment XXVI) was ratified on July 1, 1971. It lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 and declared that “the right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.”