Is January 19 a Capricorn or Aquarius?

Below, Weiss (who is available for 2020 readings), explains what happens when practical, overachieving Capricorns (December 22 to January 19) mix traits with the free-minded, genius-leaning Aquarius babies (January 20 to February 18). It is, legitimately, the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

What is your zodiac sign for January 19th?

Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign of the zodiac spanning 22 December – 19 January. It’s also an Earth sign – the others being Taurus and Virgo.

Is January 19th a cusp sign?

If you were born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp, from January 17 to 23, you possess some seriously contrasting energies that make you incredibly unique! You were born on the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and you are a hardworking idealist.

What is the Aquarius Pisces cusp?

Aquarius Pisces cusp people are born between February 15 and 21 on the cusp of sensitivity. These people are influenced by both planets Uranus (ruling planet of Aquarius) and Neptune (ruling planet of Pisces). People of the Aquarius-Pisces cusp are peace-loving, spiritual, artistic, friendly and original people.

Is Capricorn a fire sign?

Spring (wet becoming hot) – Air – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Summer (hot becoming dry) – Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius….Triplicities by season.

Sign Capricorn
Element Earth
Qualities Cold & Dry
Season: North Cold & Wet (Winter/Water)
Season: South Hot & Dry (Summer/Fire)

What is Capricorn cusp?

People of Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp are born between December 18 to 24. These people are born on the Cusp of Prophecy. They have a strong will and great determination that will always take them to success. So, these cusp people get the best of both worlds.