Is it legal to kill a bat in Canada?

When it comes to bat removal the law is very clear. It is illegal to kill bats if they have intruded your home or attic, under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. The Act lists various bat species in Canada that are seen as Specially Protected Mammals, which means they cannot be hunted, trapped or killed.

Can you legally kill bats?

Killing bats is illegal, period. There is no safe poison, kill trap, or weapon you can disharge that makes it legal to exterminate or end the life of a bat in the United States.

Are brown bats endangered in Ontario?

Sadly, in February this year the little brown bat was put on the endangered list. They have become threatened by a disease known as white nose syndrome, caused by a fungus. The fungus causes them to come out of hibernation too early.

Can you kill bats in Ontario?

In Ontario the law is clear. Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, is it illegal to kill bats even if they’ve intruded into your home or attic. The Act lists several species of bats in Ontario that are considered Specially Protected Mammals, which cannot be killed, trapped or hunted.

How do you get rid of bats in Canada?

Make sure that any doors or windows are now closed. Remove the towel or newspaper and turn the container on its side. The bat should be able to get out and fly away….Removing the bat.

  1. Throw a towel over the bat.
  2. Place an empty laundry basket or wastepaper basket over the bat.
  3. Use a small-meshed net to capture the bat.

Are bats protected by federal law?

Bats are wild animals and many species are protected under federal law. Removing a colony of bats is not easy but can be accomplished by following several steps. Hiring professional bat removers (often called bat excluders) is also a good option in removing a colony of bats.

Why are bats disappearing in Ontario?

Little brown bats are threatened by a disease known as white nose syndrome, caused by a fungus which is believed to have been inadvertently brought from Europe to North America. Bats at more than three quarters of Ontario’s hibernation sites are at high risk of disappearing due to white nose syndrome.

Are little brown bats protected?

The little brown bat or little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) is a species of mouse-eared microbat found in North America….

Little brown bat
Endangered (IUCN 3.1)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata