Is it bad to be slightly anemic?

Anemia can be temporary or long term (chronic). In many cases, it’s mild, but anemia can also be serious and life-threatening. Anemia can happen because: Your body doesn’t make enough red blood cells.

What causes slightly anemia?

Anemia occurs when your blood doesn’t have enough red blood cells. This can happen if: Your body doesn’t make enough red blood cells. Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replaced.

What does it mean to be a little bit anemic?

Anemia is defined as a low number of red blood cells. In a routine blood test, anemia is reported as a low hemoglobin or hematocrit. Hemoglobin is the main protein in your red blood cells. It carries oxygen, and delivers it throughout your body. If you have anemia, your hemoglobin level will be low too.

Can slight anemia cause symptoms?

If your anemia is mild or has developed over a long period of time, you may not notice any symptoms. Symptoms common to many types of anemia include the following: Easy fatigue and loss of energy. Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise.

Can anemia go away?

“If you’re losing blood from somewhere, once you address that the anemia will go away fairly quickly,” said Paranjape. “For iron-deficiency, it’s pretty straightforward whether you take an iron supplement or adjust your diet.”

How is mild anemia treated?

How is anemia treated?

  1. Iron supplements taken by mouth.
  2. Foods high in iron and foods that help your body absorb iron (like foods with Vitamin C).
  3. Iron given through an intravenous (IV) infusion. (This is often a choice if you have chronic kidney disease, or CKD.)
  4. Transfusions of red blood cells.

What level is mild anemia?

Mild anemia corresponds to a level of hemoglobin concentration of 10.0-10.9 g/dl for pregnant women and children under age 5 and 10.0-11.9 g/dl for nonpregnant women. For all of the tested groups, moderate anemia corresponds to a level of 7.0-9.9 g/dl, while severe anemia corresponds to a level less than 7.0 g/dl.

What is the most common cause of Anaemia?

The most common cause of anemia is low levels of iron in the body. This type of anemia is called iron-deficiency anemia. Your body needs a certain amount of iron to make hemoglobin, the substance that moves oxygen throughout your body. However, iron-deficiency anemia is just one type.

Does drinking water help with anemia?

Dehydration often accompanies anemia. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water will keep the body hydrated.

What does being slightly anemic mean to a doctor?

If the level is just slightly lower than normal- is considered mild anemia. You may not have any symptoms related with that condition. In young woman like yourself, it is likely related to your period. Your doctor can have a little blood work to evaluate the cause of your anemia.

What are the symptoms of anaemia in the blood?

Anaemia is where you have fewer red blood cells than normal or you have an abnormally low amount of a substance called haemoglobin in each red blood cell. General symptoms of anaemia may include: extreme tiredness (fatigue) lack of energy (lethargy) breathlessness. feeling faint. headaches.

What causes a person to become anemic in blood?

There are three main reasons people become anemic: blood loss, a reduction in the body’s ability to produce new red blood cells, or an illness that leads to increased destruction of red blood cells.

What to do if you have iron deficiency anaemia?

Treatment for iron deficiency anaemia. Once the reason you have anaemia has been found (for example, an ulcer or heavy periods) your GP will recommend treatment. If your blood test shows your red blood cell count is low (deficient), you’ll be prescribed iron tablets to replace the iron that’s missing from your body.