Is claiming unclaimed property legal?

States have established processes whereby legal owners of assets can reclaim unclaimed funds. When claiming unclaimed funds that have risen in value, taxes may be assessed at the time. If you claim property, it will be treated as ordinary income and taxed accordingly unless the property is related to a tax refund.

Is Nebraska unclaimed property legit?

All unclaimed properties are held forever, subject to claim by the rightful owner or heirs. If you know that the property is valued UNDER $300: Submit a claim online or call the State Treasure’s office at (402) 471-8497.

Do I have money owed to me?

First, go to your state’s unclaimed property website to check if you’re owed funds. If you’ve moved around a lot, you can try sites like or, which may be able to search multiple state databases at once. The search uses your name and your city to check for any funds.

Do you have to pay for unclaimed money?

The site Missing Money, endorsed by NAUPA, also allows you to search for any unclaimed property more than one state at a time, while the IRS tool Where’s My Refund allows you to search for undelivered tax refunds. You won’t have to pay a fee for it, nor will it get taxed.

How do you know what the unclaimed property is?

Use official state government websites to conduct free searches. It’s free to search, if you use your official state government’s unclaimed property website. Use the interactive map below to go directly to your state’s official program website. From there, you can conduct a free search for your unclaimed property!

How do I find out who owns a derelict property?

Local Authority – the housing departments or empty homes team at the relevant local authority may be aware of the owner and be able to help put you in contact with them. Detective or tracing agency – could be engaged in order to try and trace the owner or monitor the property for any activity.