Is calculator allowed at Mu Alpha Theta?

Compete against students nation-wide (and in some other countries as well), without the use of a calculator. The contest is held during school hours, and students will be released from class to compete. High scoring G.H.S. Mu Alpha Theta members are honored at the Spring Banquet each year.

How do you get Mu Alpha Theta?

Members must have completed the equivalent of two years of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra and/or geometry, and have completed or are enrolled in a third year of college preparatory mathematics. On the 4-point grading scale, members must have at least a 3.0 math grade point average.

How would you describe Mu Alpha Theta?

Provides a method for schools to recognize and encourage students who enjoy and excel in mathematics. Organizes a national convention for students and teachers to participate in math-related events and interact with others from across the country.

Is Mu Alpha Theta a lifetime membership?

Once a member is registered with the National Office, they are a member for life. What does the registration fee pay for? A student’s registration fee pays for their lifetime membership in Mu Alpha Theta. Each registered member receives a certificate suitable for framing and a membership card.

Does Math honor society look good for college?

It’ll look great on your college application – Other than maintaining an excellent GPA throughout high school and receiving high scores on standardized tests, one of the best ways to make your college application stand out is through participation in extracurricular activities.

What are the requirements for math honor society?

Is there a math honor society?

Mu Alpha Theta (ΜΑΘ) is the United States mathematics honor society for high school and two-year college students. Its main goals are to inspire keen interest in mathematics, develop strong scholarship in the subject, and promote the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two year college students.

Does Mu Alpha Theta look good for college?

Mu Alpha Theta is the US honor society for mathematics designed for both two-year college and high school students. Mu Alpha Theta is especially a good idea for students that are already enrolled in high-level math courses such as weighted or AP classes.

Is Mu Alpha Theta National?

Mu Alpha Theta is a national honor society in the United States for high school and two year college students. Mu Alpha Theta chapters host numerous mathematics competitions and each year a national Mu Alpha Theta convention is held during the summer that includes a large competition.

Do colleges look at Mu Alpha Theta?

As the national honor society for mathematics, your affiliation with Mu Alpha Theta will catch the attention of admission officers at any school. This is a great way to improve your chances of gaining admittance to your ideal college.

Why should I join Mu Alpha Theta?

What are the key benefits of being a member of Mu Alpha Theta? Provides a method for schools to recognize and encourage students who enjoy and excel in mathematics. Organizes a national convention for students and teachers to participate in math-related events and interact with others from across the country.

How many members are there in Mu Alpha Theta?

Mu Alpha Theta (ΜΑΘ) is the United States mathematics honor society for high school and two-year college students. In June 2015, it served over 108,000 student members in over 2,200 chapters in the United States and in 20 foreign countries.

What does Mu Alpha Theta do at NSU?

NSU University School Mu Alpha Theta students love to give back to the South Florida community. The school’s Upper School Mu Alpha Theta members sold many varieties of pie on Pi Day to raise money for nearby Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School families this year and have supported St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in many previous years.

What did Mu Alpha Theta do for Pi Day?

The school’s Upper School Mu Alpha Theta members sold many varieties of pie on Pi Day to raise money for nearby Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School families this year and have supported St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in many previous years. Students set a goal of raising $314 each Pi Day but nearly always surpass their goal!

Where did Dunbar High School rank in Mu Alpha Theta?

Dunbar High School recently competed in the National Mu Alpha Theta math competition held in Las Vegas. In only its second year of competing at nationals, the team finished in 15th place.