Is battery car available from Katra to Bhawan?

There is no auto available from Katra to Bhawan. You can go up to Ardhkwari by pony or Palki. Battery car is available only from Ardhkuwari to Bhavan and Bhavan to Ardhkuwari. The fare per person (50 years and above only) is RS.

Is battery rickshaw available in Vaishno Devi?

No. Auto rickshaw are available from Katra bus stop to Banganga gate… In your journey, after alighting at Katra station, you have to go to hotels/rooms.

What is the timing of battery car in Vaishno Devi?

The Vaishno Devi ropeway will be available from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Can we go by car to Vaishno Devi?

over a year ago. 24 days ago. You can go till Katra by car. Then you need to take auto or other approved mode of transport to reach the entry point.

What is the price of horse for Vaishno Devi?

Vaishnav Devi Bhawan TO Bhairon Ghati = Pony = 100 – 150 rupees per person.

How long does it take from Vaishno Devi to Katra by horse?

But the horses and ponies are available only for those pilgrims who take the old route to the Bhawan; they are not allowed on the new route. On a horse or a pony, it generally takes six to six-and-a half-hours to get to the Bhawan.

Which month Vaishno Devi have snowfall?

December to February is the least advisable season to visit to Vaishno Devi as the Temperature can go down to as low as -5°C. Snowfall occurs during this time.

Is there snowfall in Katra?

Katra experiences a subtropical climate that has two main seasons namely a very hot summer and a cold winter. Snowfall is a common feature during the winter months.

How long it takes for Vaishno Devi darshan?

It should take you 3-4 hours to reach bhawan if you are taking small 5-7 minutes break 3-4 times during the yatra. if you have old people in the group then please take adequate rest and do not worry about the time. if you have a time constrain then suggest to take pony for the old people.