Is Albireo A binary star system?

Albireo A’s binary star system has an orbital period of 121.6 years. The brighter star is responsible for the gold color you see through a telescope; it’s a red supergiant star, about 5 times the mass of the sun. It outshines its fainter companion, a hot main sequence star that’s 2.7 times the sun’s mass.

What kind of star is Albireo?

yellow giant star
Albireo Aa is a bright-yellow giant star of spectral type K2II. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.18 and an absolute magnitude of -2.45. Albireo Aa has around 14.52 solar masses and a radius of around 69 times that of the Sun.

What type of binary is albireo?

The brighter star, Albireo A, is in fact a binary, with a red giant (called Albireo Aa), in orbit with a blue main sequence star, one still fusing hydrogen into helium in its core (called Albireo Ac; the letter b was skipped so it wouldn’t be confused with Albireo B, the other star seen in small telescopes).

Where is Albireo in the night sky?

Albireo is located at the end of the Swan’s ‘neck’ and can be found at the opposite end of the constellation to Deneb, which is Cygnus’s brightest star. It can also be found by locating the Summer Triangle asterism (one of our favourite summer constellations and asterisms), as it lies within the triangle’s boundary.

How old is albireo?


Observation data Epoch J2000.0 Equinox J2000.0 (ICRS)
Temperature 13,200 ± 600 K
Age 100 Myr
Other designations
β Cygni, 6 Cygni, ADS 12540, CCDM J19307+2758, WDS 19307+2758

How far away is albireo from Earth?

433.8 light years
Albireo/Distance to Earth

What is Albireo distance from Earth?

How old is Albireo?

How far away is Albireo from Earth?

What month is albireo best viewed?

For observers in mid-northern latitudes, vibrant Albireo remains a go-to star for anyone wanting a look at one of the sky’s finest jewels. Its northern declination keeps it visible most months of the year, though spring through early fall is best.

How big is albireo?


Observation data Epoch J2000.0 Equinox J2000.0 (ICRS)
Albireo B
Mass 3.7 ± 0.8 M ☉
Radius 2.59 R ☉
Luminosity (bolometric) 230 ± 90 L ☉

What is the temperature of Albireo A?

4,080 K
Albireo A/Surface temperature

Which is the brightest star in the Albireo system?

The Albireo / ælˈbɪrioʊ / system is a double star designated Beta Cygni ( β Cygni, abbreviated Beta Cyg, β Cyg ). The International Astronomical Union uses the name “Albireo” specifically for the brightest star in the system.

Which is the fainter star Albireo or Sadr?

As a result, it is losing material and is surrounded by a circumstellar disk of gas. Even though it has the Bayer designation Beta Cygni, Albireo is fainter than Sadr (Gamma Cygni), Fawaris (Delta Cygni), and Aljanah (Epsilon Cygni).

How did the Albireo constellation get its name?

The brighter of the two components is designated β¹ Cygni or Beta Cygni A and the fainter β² Cygni or Beta Cygni B . The system’s traditional name Albireo is a result of misunderstanding and mistranslation. It is thought that it originated in the Greek name ornis for the constellation of Cygnus, which became urnis in Arabic.

What’s the difference between Albireo and β Cygni?

β Cygni (Latinised to Beta Cygni) is the system’s Bayer designation. The brighter of the two components is designated β¹ Cygni or Beta Cygni A and the fainter β² Cygni or Beta Cygni B. The system’s traditional name Albireo is a result of misunderstanding and mistranslation.