How to Register a username on undernet?

In order to register your channel to receive the channel service bot X, visit to the CService site. Log in with your username and password, then click on ‘Register A Channel’. You will need the registered usernames of 5 supporters that actively use your channel.

How do I connect to undernet?

  1. Opening the program. Download and install the mIRC program on your computer. Open the program from the location it was installed to.
  2. Connection options. As most programs, mIRC has a file menu.
  3. Connecting to the server and channels. Now that the connection details are setup, its time to connect to the server.

Is undernet real?

The Undernet is one of the largest realtime chat networks in the world, with approximately 40 servers connecting people world wide. You can maintain and protect your own channel by using Undernet’s Channel Service.

How do I register an undernet channel?

If you feel like your channel qualifies for registration go to and follow all instructions. Note: The registration period can take 3-5 days and depends on channel activity. Those listed as supporters should be active and state that support as soon as possible to speed up the process!

What is the meaning of under net?

What Does Undernet Mean? Undernet is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network set up in the early 1990s and is now one of the largest of such networks in the world. This international network is estimated to serve more than one million users each week and connects servers in dozens of countries.

Is IRC still used?

Today, there are still over 2,000 IRC servers and almost 500 IRC networks (groups of affiliated servers) operating worldwide. Still, many people have abandoned IRC since the early ’00s due to the rise of the myriad competing online social spaces.

Is HexChat safe?

Yes, this is the non-standard port. Default (unencrypted) port for IRC protocol is 6667. This is a better option regarding security only if you register a nickname on the network. SSL secures the communication between you and the server, BUT only that.