How to effectively play Ancient Apparition?

Ancient Apparition works best with teammates, who have AoE disables. He is great in combination with Faceless Void, Sand King, and Earthshaker. The best counters to AA are mobile heroes, such as Storm Spirit, Queen of Pain, Ember Spirit, Void Spirit. AA has no way of stopping them.

Is Ancient Apparition a good hero?

Ancient Apparition can be devastating in team fights, and makes an excellent counter to heroes who rely on healing and regeneration.

How do you counter Ancient apparitions?

Ancient Apparition will frequently resort to casting Ice Blast right before dying. Smoke Screen can be used to prevent this, stopping Ancient Apparition from having any impact.

Is Ancient Apparition a carry?

The Ancient Apparition Semi-Carry.

Who does Ancient Apparition counter?

Ancient ApparitionCounters

Hero Dis. Matches Played
Anti-Mage 3.41% 85,693
Lycan 3.02% 11,071
Naga Siren 2.67% 13,715
Phantom Lancer 2.44% 49,270

Can enemies see AA’s ULT?

If you keep an eye on the minimap (and decent wards up) you can see the AA ult targeting shot flying and dodge easily.

What Lane is ancient apparition?

tri lane
In spite of his ability to solo, Ancient Apparition is still potent in a dual or tri lane. Cold Feet functions well as a follow-up to an ally’s stun, and Ice Vortex lowers enemy magic resistance so allies can nuke them down.

Who has the highest Winrate in Dota 2?

HeroesHighest Win Rate, This Month

Hero Win Rate KDA Ratio
Jakiro 53.66% 2.49
Ogre Magi 53.36% 2.58
Necrophos 53.11% 2.94
Omniknight 52.93% 2.28

Who counters Bristleback?


Hero Dis. Matches Played
Hoodwink 2.56% 80,128
Legion Commander 2.30% 176,788
Ancient Apparition 2.28% 73,861
Anti-Mage 2.12% 111,627

What to do with Ancient Apparition in Dota 2?

Ancient Apparition has little potential to roam like Lion, and limited capacity to react to ganks like Dazzle since Cold Feet’s stun is unreliable, so he usually babysits the carry in lane. Start with Chilling Touch to harass. You may level Cold Feet if the enemies lack mobility, or your allies have disables to guarantee the stun.

How does kaldr’s apparition work in Dota 2?

Kaldr’s presence draws those around him into a frozen void, threatening to lock them in an icy prison for eternity. Cold Feet cannot target a unit already affected by it. Creates a vortex of icy energy that slows movement speed and increases magic damage done in its range.

Where does kaldr the apparition come from?

Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition, is an image projected from outside time. He springs from the cold, infinite void that both predates the universe and awaits its end. Kaldr is, Kaldr was, Kaldr shall be…and what we perceive, powerful as it appears to us, is but the faintest faded echo of the true, eternal Kaldr.

What do you do with Ancient Apparition in RuneScape?

In spite of his ability to solo, Ancient Apparition is still potent in a dual or tri lane. Cold Feet functions well as a follow-up to an ally’s stun, and Ice Vortex lowers enemy magic resistance so allies can nuke them down. All of Ancient Apparition’s spells have good range. Try to avoid close combat when possible.