How reliable are Victory motorcycles?

According to Consumer Reports, Victory motorcycles are somewhat more reliable than Harleys. Both are dramatically more reliable than all European brands, particularly BMW, which was the worst motorcycle overall in terms of reliability.

Are Victory motorcycle parts hard to find?

All the really mechanically essential parts are pretty easily obtainable. The aftermarket for the bikes is definitely drying up, though. The bikes are so well engineered that for the most part, they just run.

Do Victory motorcycles hold their value?

The fact that Victory’s don’t have a high resale value can be a good thing. You can buy a used Victory which is just as good as a new one for a fraction of the price and you still have a bike that can hold its own or surpass anything else on the market.

Are Victory Motorcycles still manufactured?

After twenty-one years of production, Victory Motorcycles has ceased production. It’s too bad because a Victory bike has the appeal for cruiser aficionados without some of the, shall we say ‘nefarious’, associations of a Harley Davidson.

Do victory motorcycles hold their value?

How long will victory parts be available?

10 years
Polaris will continue to supply parts to support Victory motorcycles for 10 years, and the company “will assist dealers in liquidating existing inventories.”

Are there any problems with the Victory motorcycle?

Victory motorcycles are supposed to be trouble free. Although this bike has delivered “miles of smiles” it has been far from trouble free. The clutch was identified as a problem soon after I purchased the bike and was documented after only 3 months and 5,000 miles of ownership.

Which is the most reliable motorcycle in the world?

Consumer Reports’ survey of our subscribers shows that the Japanese brands are significantly more reliable than most bikes from other regions—led in order by Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda, and Kawasaki. Domestic brands Victory and Harley-­Davidson were midpack, and Triumph, Ducati, BMW, and Can-Am were the more trouble-prone brands.

What’s the failure rate of a Ducati motorcycle?

Ducati’s failure rate came in at 33%, only slightly ahead of BMW. Most study participants reported problems and repairs (24%) in the motorcycles’ electrical systems. (Side note: it will be interesting to see how the increasing popularity of electric motorcycles will have any impact on these electrical problems.)

What is the failure rate of a cruiser?

See our motorcycle owner satisfaction ratings. Cruisers appear to require fewer repairs than other types of motorcycles, with just a 15 percent failure rate by the fourth year of ownership. The range of problems from cruiser, dual-sport/adventure, standard, touring, sport touring, and sport bikes ranged from 15 to 23 percent, in that order.