How much is a professional Killstreak scattergun?

This Killstreak Kit can be applied to a Scattergun….Listings.

Price Quantity
$49.28 1
$48.43 or less 67

What do professional Killstreak kits do?

Professional Killstreak Kits are weapon specific and will count killstreaks, apply a weapon sheen, and they will emit particle effects from your players eyes which gets stronger the higher your killstreak gets. The particle effect and sheen will be displayed on the tooltip of the Killstreak Kit.

How much is a strange scattergun worth?

Some geospatial data on this website is provided by….Listings.

Price Quantity
$0.97 6
$0.95 3
$0.94 or less 826

How do I get a professional Killstreak?

Professional Kits are obtained by completing Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricators, which can be found as a rare random reward from completing Operation Two Cities. While the weapon is active and the player has a streak of at least five, the eye effect becomes visible.

How much is an Australium scattergun?

Some geospatial data on this website is provided by….Listings.

Price Quantity
$70.38 1
$69.94 or less 127

How do you get strange items in tf2?

Methods of obtaining Strange items include:

  1. Unlocking a Mann Co. Supply Crate containing the item,
  2. Using a Strangifier on an item,
  3. Purchasing the items from the Steam Community Market,
  4. Earning Botkiller weapons or Australium weapons from Mann Up mode,
  5. Trading with other players for them.

How much does a festive scattergun cost?


Price Quantity
$4.07 1
$4.05 1
$4.04 2
$4.03 2

What are Kit fabricators tf2?

Killstreak Kit Fabricators are tools similar to Chemistry Sets, which, when completed, create a Specialized or Professional Killstreak Kit for a certain weapon, with specific cosmetic effects listed in the description.

What is the most expensive Australium in tf2?

Regardless they should give a general impression of their rarity.

  • Australium Minigun – 2142 exist.
  • Tied –
  • Australium Stickybomb Launcher – 2185 exist.
  • Australium Grenade Launcher – 2205 exist.
  • Australium Sniper Rifle – 2209 exist.
  • Australium Scattergun – 2310 exist.
  • Australium Rocket Launcher – 2352 exist.

Can you apply Killstreak kits to strange weapons?

Yes, killstreak kits can be applied to any quality of weapons. Killstreak Kits can be applied to weapons of any quality. Killstreak kits can be used on strange weapons, and you can use the same killstreak kit as a regular, normal weapon would use.