How much does it cost to stay at Uluru?

Sails in the Desert

Superior Room 1/10/21-31/3/22
1 night stay A$720/night*^
2 night stay A$590/night*^
Rates: Based on 2 adults/room, kids free (<16yrs) Includes Uluru Airport Transfers (Extra adult $60/night) ^ Rates can increase with demand
Specials: * Buffet Breakfast included daily (Extra Adult $85/night)

How far is Ayers Rock from Uluru?

If choosing to visit Uluru you can fly in directly to Uluru (Ayers Rock Airport) or fly into Alice Springs and drive the 460 km (5hrs) or catch a coach (6hrs) to Uluru….Map of Australia.

Uluru to Distance (km/miles) time
Alice Springs 335km / 208 ml 40min

Is there a town near Uluru?

Uluru lies 335 km south west of the nearest large town, Alice Springs; or 450 km by road.

Why was Ayers Rock changed to Uluru?

Returning of the rock In this year, the name of the national park changed from Ayers Rock-Mount Olga National Park to Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. The change was put in place to show respect for the Anangu people and, specifically, to acknowledge their ownership of the land.

What is the biggest rock in the world?

Uluru is the world’s largest single rock monolith. That is to say, there is no other single rock formation as large as Uluru. Mount Augustus, on the other hand, contains a variety of rock types.

Can you walk all around Uluru?

The Uluru base walk is about 10 km of track that takes you around the whole circumference of the rock. You can take the entire Uluru base walk, or just concentrate on one or more of its sections, depending on how much time you have, your level of fitness and the weather.

Is Uluru the same as Ayes rock?

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is one of the most famous natural landmarks of Australia, a natural wonder and a spiritual place, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Where to stay in Uluru?

Once at the Ayers Rock airport or the Alice Springs airport, you can rent an off-road car to explore the desert. The best area to stay in the Uluru National Park (Ayers Rock) is Yulara, the tourist town, which contains a hotel complex, hostels, camping, restaurants, bars, and shops for all tastes.

Where is Ayers Rock located?

Ayers Rock Facts. Ayers Rock is also known as Uluru. It is a large sandstone rock formation located 450km away from Alice Springs in central Australia.

What is Ayers Rock in Aboriginal?

Uluru/Ayers Rock is a giant outcropping of weathered rock in the southwestern part of Australia ‘s Northern Territory . Shallow caves at the base of the rock are sacred to several Aboriginal tribes and contain carvings and paintings. Uluru is the Aboriginal name for the rock. When Europeans first saw it they called it Ayers Rock.