How much does it cost to replace a heat exchanger?

The cost of replacing a heat exchanger ranges from $2,000 to $3,500. Replacing your furnace’s heat exchanger would be a good route to take if your furnace is fairly new. However, it is not worth spending your money on replacing your heat exchanger when it is near the end of its life span, which is ten years or more.

How do I know if heat exchanger is faulty?

Six Signs Your Furnace Heat Exchanger May be Cracked

  1. Strange smells. A malfunctioning heat exchanger will often create an unpleasant and strong odor that smells similar to formaldehyde.
  2. Soot Build-up.
  3. Corrosion & Cracks.
  4. Change in the flame appearance.
  5. Audible Sounds.
  6. Presence of Carbon Monoxide.

How much does a heat exchanger cost UK?

In the case that your boiler’s heat exchanger is beyond repair, it will need replacing. A replacement heat exchanger will typically cost between £300 – £500 but this will vary depending on the model.

How long do heat exchangers last?

In most cases, the heat exchanger determines how long your furnace will last. The heat exchanger is responsible for heating the air that circulates through your home in the winter. Heat exchangers usually last about 15 years. If you invest in maintenance, yours might even last 20.

What happens when heat exchanger fails?

If the heat exchanger is compromised by a crack or rust, flue gases and carbon monoxide will leak into the home resulting in illness and possibly death of the occupants.

What happens when a heat exchanger goes bad?

The heat exchanger is a conglomeration of tubes/coils in your furnace where the air is heated. A crack in your heat exchanger can be bad news for you, your furnace, and your home if you don’t act fast. This causes carbon to be burned, which can release nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

Can you replace a heat exchanger in a boiler?

How to deal with limescale build-up. Unfortunately, many people only discover they have limescale build-up when the damage has been done and there is no other option but to install a replacement heat exchanger. Heat exchanger repairs can be expensive, especially if a complete replacement is required.

What happens if the heat exchanger goes bad?

How often do heat exchangers fail?

Normal wear and tear will cause every heat exchanger to crack after about 15-20 years of regular use. That’s simply a result of the basic properties of metal. You see, when the furnace turns on, the heat exchanger warms up, causing the metal to expand. When the furnace turns off, the metal cools and contracts.

What causes heat exchanger failure?

What is the cause of heat exchanger cracks? Overheating causes nearly all premature heat exchanger cracks. A clogged air filter restricts airflow through the furnace, overheating the heat exchanger, and eventually resulting in stress cracks. An over-sized furnace can also cause overheating and heat exchanger cracks.