How much does it cost to remove a 60ft tree?

Size of the Tree A medium-sized tree, such as a maple or elm, is 30–60 feet tall and costs between $400 and $800 to remove. A large tree like a mature oak is 60–80 feet tall and costs about $700 to $1,300 to remove. Any tree taller than 80 feet will cost around $1,000–$2,000 to remove.

How do I know if a tree has a TPO?

Local authority maps. Some local authorities have maps you can check to see if a tree or wood has a TPO or is in a Conservation Area. If no map or list is available, or if there is any doubt, speak to your local authority’s tree officer or equivalent.

Is there a free tree removal service in Philadelphia?

There are trees everywhere throughout the city, and the Parks and Recreation service offers free trees to its residents. If you have a free tree or just one that you’ve planted, make sure you’re taking good care of it. How Much Does Tree Removal Cost? Tree removal in Philadelphia will cost residents between $719 and $1,015.

How does a tree service cut a tree?

Make the cut: A sharp angled cut will be made on one side of the tree then cut from the other side to force the tree to fall in the designated direction. Stump removal. Some tree services will leave the stump unless you specifically ask for its removal. Tree removal is a high risk, multi-person job.

When to call an accredited tree removal service?

If you think your tree needs to be removed, contact an accredited tree service near you. A sick or dying tree is more than an eyesore. It could potentially become hazardous and require a tree removal service.

Can a tree service leave a stump on a tree?

Some tree services will leave the stump unless you specifically ask for its removal. Tree removal is a high risk, multi-person job. It should only be attempted by trained professionals with the correct equipment. If you think your tree needs to be removed, contact an accredited tree service near you.