How much does a thermal scan cost?

The average cost is around $150 to $200. Medicare does not cover the cost of thermography. Some private health insurance plans might cover part or all of the cost.

What is thermal imaging test?

Thermography measures surface temperatures by using infrared video and still cameras. These tools see light that is in the heat spectrum. Images on the video or film record the temperature variations of the building’s skin, ranging from white for warm regions to black for cooler areas.

Do insurance companies cover thermography?

Is Thermography covered by insurance? Some insurance companies cover thermography screenings, but most do not. We have found that some companies will reimburse or give a partial reimbursement and are happy to provide an invoice for you to submit to your insurance company.

What diseases can thermography detect?

How Can Disease Be Detected With Thermography?

  • Head and Neck. Sinuses. Dentition. TMJ. Carotid Artery. Thyroid.
  • Breasts and Respiratory System.
  • Bladder.
  • Cardiovascular System.
  • Abdomen (GI Tract and Reproductive System)
  • Muscular and Skeletal Systems (Arthritis, Orthopedic issues)
  • Varicose Veins.

How is thermal imaging done?

Thermal cameras detect temperature by recognizing and capturing different levels of infrared light. This light is invisible to the naked eye, but can be felt as heat if the intensity is high enough. Thermal cameras can see this radiation and convert it to an image that we can then see with our eyes.

What is thermal imaging used for?

Thermal imaging is a method of using infrared radiation and thermal energy to gather information about objects, in order to formulate images of them, even in low visibility environments.

Is thermography safer than mammogram?

Providers of thermography screening say that it is reliable and harmless, but research suggests that is it less likely to be less accurate than mammography. Data from a 4-year phase of one study indicated that thermography accurately detected only 43% of breast cancers.

Is thermal imaging harmful?

Is thermal imaging dangerous? No. In fact, our thermal imaging system is a non-contact, non-invasive, passive imaging system that is measuring the heat emitted, or given off, by the human body.

Who makes thermal imaging?

Top Infrared Camera Manufacturers

Company Annual Est. Revenue
1. Samsara $150 Million
2. Dewetron, Inc. $90 Million
3. ANVS, Inc. $52.1 Million
4. Senspex, Inc. $48.3 Million

How far does thermal imaging work?

A typical application for thermal imaging is border security, where most threats occur at night. Watchtowers spaced at 4km intervals or more have to be able to detect threats at ranges up to 2km or more to guarantee full coverage of the border.