How much does a Knabstrupper horse cost?

Potential owners should expect to part with $5,000 up to $11,000.

What kind of horse is a Knabstrupper?

The Knabstrupper, also called Knabstrup horse, is a Danish breed of horse with an unusual range of coat coloration….Knabstrupper.

Country of origin Denmark
Distinguishing features Leopard complex colouring common
Breed standards
Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark

What is the Knabstrupper horse used for?

Knabstruppers are used for all sorts of general riding and are successful in dressage, eventing and show jumping. They are also used as carriage horses thanks to their elegant movement, proud bearing and eye-catching colouring.

What is the difference between an appaloosa and a Knabstrupper?

They are, as mandwhy says, two different breeds. The Appaloosa has its origins in America, while the Knabstrupper is essentially a Danish Warmblood. Appaloosa blood was used in Knabstrupper breeding in the 1970s to provide some outcrosses.

How many Knabstruppers are there?

Worldwide there are estimated to be a few thousand of this rare breed, with only up to 400 in North America, and less than 30 in Canada in 2017, with momentum growing as more and more horse people discover this amazing breed.

What colors can a Knabstrupper be?

Quick Information

Other Names/Nicknames Knabstrup, Knapstruper, Knabstruper
Colors/Coat Solid to a full leopard spotted patterns on a white background with many variants in between; spots can be black, gray, bay or chestnut
Common Uses Work, dressage, show jumping, general riding, carriage drawing, endurance, circus

Can Knabstruppers jump?

Three distinct types of Knabstruppers have developed: The Sport Horse type – bred to excel in dressage, eventing and show jumping.

What is the rarest horse in the world?

The Galiceño is a critically endangered horse that has a long history in the Americas. It is estimated that there are fewer than 100 pure Galiceños left, making this the rarest horse breed in the world.

Are Knabstruppers good jumpers?

Bred as working horse and selected as much for attitude and ability as beauty the Knabstrupper is a true family horse. They jump well and are willing bold horses with good minds and a kind nature.

Where did Knabstrupper originate?


How many Knabstruppers are there in the world?

Some breeders sell a Knabstrup that favours the Baroque type of conformation, with a straight profile, naturally balanced head carriage and full, flowing mane and tail. Other individuals are more like warmbloods, with conformation that is more typical of sports horses.

How many Knabstruppers does West Moor Farm have?

Having bred them for several years and travelling Europe to find more about them and their history, our aim now is to get them known and for people to see how special and wonderful this classic breed is. With over 20 Knabstruppers on the farm, we have some to sell and of course our stallions for breeding.

Who is the owner of the Knabstrup breed?

Flaebehoppen proved to be very fast and also have great powers of endurance. She was eventually bought by the owner of the Knabstrupgård estate. When bred to a chestnut Frederiksborg stallion, she produced spotted foals, including the stallion Flaebehingsten, which provided the foundation of the modern Knabstrup breed.

What kind of job can a Knabstrupper do?

Although conformation varies, the majority of full-size Knabstrups are medium-weight horses that can excel in a range of equestrian pursuits. Their sensible nature and appealing colouring mean they have traditionally been used for a range of activities, from cavalry to delivery horses.