How much does a Durham firefighter make?

Our firefighters work an average of ten 24-hour shifts per month on A, C, or C Shift….Salary Ranges as of 7/1/2021.

Rank Career Salary Range
Fire Recruit (Entry) $35,592 – $60,857
Certified Firefighter or Certified A-EMT $37,361 – $60,857

Do you have to shave your head to be a firefighter?

Your hair shouldn’t interfere with any equipment you must wear or any task you must perform. Your hair must be contained and neatly groomed on a daily basis. Facial hair shouldn’t be long enough where it gets in the way, but most departments don’t allow beards for safety reasons.

How long does it take to become a firefighter in North Carolina?

The application process is usually five months.

How many fire stations does Durham NC have?

These battalions are led by twelve battalion chiefs who are responsible for the daily activities of 19 stations, 16 engines and four ladder companies, as well as the mobile support unit.

Can firemen have short beards?

So, can firefighters have beards? Generally, no, you will not be allowed to have a beard and will most likely be required to be clean shaven all times while on duty. Many professions allow for this as long as the beard is well-groomed and hygienic. But, some are a little stricter.

Can a firefighter have stubble?

Unfortunately yes. The Service respects everyone’s religious beliefs but there are health and safety reasons as to why facial hair cannot be accepted. To ensure that the facemask forms a seal around the face, it is necessary to keep the face shaven to prevent any dangerous airborne chemicals entering the facemask.

Can a felon be a firefighter in NC?

While there is no state or federal law saying that felons can never be firefighters, many felony convictions will prevent you from becoming a firefighter. It will be up to each individual department to set hiring rules and guidelines. Though there are felons who have become firefighters, it is usually not allowed.

What is a fireman’s hat called?

Leatherhead is a term for evolutions of these leather helmets still used by many firefighters in North America. Leatherhead is also slang for a firefighter who uses a leather helmet as opposed to more modern composite helmets.