How many Vietnamese refugees were there in 1975?

Deadly reprisals for those who stayed behind were almost certain. It was 1975, the tumultuous backdrop was Southeast Asia, and Washington largely opened America’s doors, letting in some 300,000 refugees from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia over the next four years.

Why did Vietnamese refugees come to Australia?

The majority of Vietnamese came to Victoria after the Communist government took over their homeland at the end of the Vietnam War. Those already in Australia were offered permanent residence, and refugees began to be admitted through resettlement camps based in South East Asia.

Why did people from Vietnam migrate to Australia after 1975?

The vast majority of refugees from Vietnam, however, arrived in Australia by plane after selection by Australian officials in refugee camps established throughout South-East Asia. Since 1976 Australia has become home to a thriving Vietnamese community.

Where did Vietnamese refugees go in 1975?

Over the next two decades—from 1975 to 1995—more than three million people fled Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

How many Vietnamese refugees came to Australia after the Vietnam war?

Between 1975 and 1991, Australia resettled over 130,000 Indochinese refugees.

Where did Vietnamese refugees go?

The lucky ones made it to refugee camps in Thailand, Malaysia or the Philippines, and more than 2.5 million refugees were eventually resettled around the world, including more than a million in the United States.

What happened to Vietnamese refugees?

Countless thousands died at sea, victims of pirates or overcrowded, makeshift boats. The lucky ones made it to refugee camps in Thailand, Malaysia or the Philippines, and more than 2.5 million refugees were eventually resettled around the world, including more than a million in the United States.

How many Vietnamese refugees came to Australia from Vietnam?

Australia took 57,770 Vietnamese refugees, mostly by air, in the seven years following 1975. Note: Boat arrivals do not include authorised arrivals. The numbers of people who started boat journeys to Australia is larger, since many were killed during their voyages.

How many Vietnamese came to Australia on unauthorised boats?

Data: Viviani, The Long Journey, p.85. While more than 2000 Vietnamese people came to Australia in unauthorised boats in the seven years following the fall of Saigon, many more started their voyages but were killed at sea.

Where was the US refugee office during the Vietnam War?

The United States established a refugee office in Bangkok, Thailand, headed by Lionel Rosenblatt, to process additional refugees for entry into the United States. The Hmong and other highland peoples of Laos were U.S. allies in the Vietnam War, fending off for more than a decade the Pathet Lao and the North Vietnamese army.

Where did the refugees from the Indochina crisis come from?

The Indochina refugee crisis was the large outflow of people from the former French colonies of Indochina, comprising the countries of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, after communist governments were established in 1975. Over the next 25 years and out of a total Indochinese population in 1975 of 56 million,…