How many times can you submit an ro1?

While NIH no longer limits the number of times you can resubmit an application with essentially the same content and scope as an earlier application, it is not allowable to have overlapping applications under review at the same time. (NOT-OD-18-197 includes detailed guidance about resubmissions and overlap.)

How many pages is an R01?

12 pages
For an R01, the Research Strategy can be up to 12 pages, plus one page for Specific Aims. Don’t pad other sections with information that belongs in the Research Plan. NIH is on the lookout and may return your application to you if you try to evade page limits.

How many pages is an R21 grant?

Effective June 2017!

Section Mechanism NEW Page Limit
R21 (new)
2. Specific Aims All R01/R03/R21 (new or resubmit) 1 Page
3. Research Strategy significance innovation approach Al R01(new or resubmit) All R03/R21(new or resubmit) 12 Pages 6 Pages

What is an NIH resubmission?

A resubmission is an unfunded application that has been modified following initial review and resubmitted for consideration. A resubmission application can follow a competing new, renewal, or revision application (A0) that was not selected for funding (including applications “not discussed” in review).

How long is an R01?

five years
An R01 is for mature research projects that are hypothesis-driven with strong preliminary data. R01s provide up to five years of support, with a budget that reflects the costs required to complete the project.

How long is an R01 application?

Research Strategy The R01 application allows for a maximum of 12 pages, which include the three strategy components: Significance, Innovation, and Approach. Other types of applications may have different length limits.

How many resubmissions does NIH have?

one resubmission
Generally speaking, the NIH allows you to make one resubmission after the original submission. You are typically allowed one additional page at the beginning of the resubmission (the “Introduction to the Resubmission”), in which you respond to the comments from the previous review.

How long are R01 grants?

An R01 grant provides funding support for up to 5 years.

Can a resubmission of an A0 application be accepted?

Only a single resubmission ( A1) of an original application ( A0) will be accepted. Following an unsuccessful resubmission (A1) application, applicants may submit the same idea as a new (A0) application for the next appropriate new application due date (see NOT-OD-18-197 for exceptions).

What should be included in a resubmission of a revision?

In a resubmission of a revision application the same introduction must describe within the standard page limit the nature and impact of the revision and summarize the changes made to the application since the last submission.

What is the identification number for a resubmission?

Only a single resubmission (A1) of a competing new, renewal, or revision application (A0) will be accepted. A resubmission has a suffix in its application identification number, e.g., A1. (Resubmissions were previously called “amended” applications, hence “A1”.)

Can a resubmission application be submitted to a RFA?

Generally, yes, but there are some specific limitations: You cannot submit the resubmission (A1) application to a funding opportunity announcement that does not accept resubmissions. You cannot submit the resubmission (A1) application to an RFA if the new or renewal (A0) application was submitted to a PA, PAR, or PAS.